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Science worksheets

The human skeleton: different bones worksheet

The human skeleton: different bones

Look at this diagram of a skeleton. Can you name the different bones? How quickly can you label some of the key bones in the human body? Now see if you can colour code them.
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The human body: joints worksheet

The human body: joints

Think about the different joints in your body and how they work. We often refer to your body as having 3 main types of joint – hinge, universal and ball and socket. Have you learnt about these before? If not, why not research these joints to see how they work. Now see if you can identify these different joints needed for each of these actions to be carried out by the human body.
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The human body and its parts worksheet

The human body and its parts

Can you identify the different parts of the human body? Use the table to draw a simple diagram of each body part and record a brief description of what it does.
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The greenhouse effect investigation

The greenhouse effect investigation

Our planet is constantly affected by different forces and factors – many of which are caused by humans. We often hear about something called “the greenhouse effect”… but what is it? The greenhouse effect is when our planet heats up due to harmful gases collecting in our atmosphere. This simple investigation will show you how it happens!
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The digestive process worksheet

The digestive process

When we eat food our bodies break it down so that we can live. Food is our fuel and gives our bodies the things we need. This process is called digestion. Can you read the statements below and cut them out? Try to arrange them in the correct order to show the process of digestion.
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That’s my stone game

That’s my stone!

How good are your observation skills? Have a go at this game which tests how good you are at spotting the similarities and differences between objects.

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Sunrise and sunset investigation

Sunrise and sunset

When we can first see the sun in the morning, we call this sunrise. When the sun disappears at night, we call this sunset. If you watch the weather on television, they often report when sunrise and sunset will take place. Look at this data table below which shows sunrise and sunset for London for each month over one year. Can you complete the data missing in the table? See if you can use this information to answer the questions below.
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Sun cream investigation

Sun cream investigation

When we go out in summer we have to apply sun cream or sun spray to help stop us from being burnt by the sun. Does this really work? Does it really stop us from being burnt by the sun’s rays? Try this simple experiment to find out!
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Sources of light worksheet

Sources of light

Look at these picture cards. Can you sort them into two groups – those that are sources of light and those that are not?
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Sorting materials according to material properties worksheet

Sorting materials according to material properties

We can sort objects into groups on the basis of simple material properties: roughness, hardness, shininess, ability to float, transparency and whether they are magnetic or non-magnetic. Collect some of these materials and try different ways of sorting them. Can you make a physical pictogram to show how you’ve sorted things?
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Sorting healthy statements worksheet

Sorting healthy statements

We are constantly being told what is healthy and what is unhealthy. In this activity you need to use your reasoning skills to read the statement cards and sort out which ones you think are true and which are false.
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Sorting clothes worksheet

Sorting clothes

When it is time to change over your child’s wardrobe from season to season or you are having a big clear out, take the opportunity to involve them and look at what different clothes are made from. Talk about the materials the clothes are made from and together look at the labels showing their properties.
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Solid, liquid or gas?

Solid, liquid or gas?

Look at these cards. Cut them out and then sort them according to whether you think they are a solid, a liquid or a gas. Be careful…some have been put in to challenge you!
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Sinking and floating investigation

Sinking and floating investigation

Look at these pictures. Can you identify the objects? Which ones do you think will float in water? Which ones will sink? Why? Ask a parent if there any that you can test.
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Separating solids investigation

Separating solids investigation

Ask an adult to provide you with a bowl filled with rice, sand, metal paper clips (or pins) and pasta (ideally penne) all mixed together. How could separate these materials? Ask to use a sieve, some plastic bowls and a magnet. See if you can use this equipment to separate out these solids.
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Seed germination investigation

Seed germination investigation

Let's investigate which conditions affect seed germination!
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Seed dispersal revision worksheet

Seed dispersal revision

Seeds disperse in different ways – through explosion, thanks to animals carrying them and via the wind. Use what you have learned about seed dispersal and your research skills to sort these
seed cards using the sorting sheet on the next page.
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Ruler noises worksheet

Ruler noises

Try this simple experiment at home to investigate the pitch of sound you can make using a ruler.
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Rocks and soils matching pairs

Rocks and soils matching pairs

Look at these picture cards. Can you identify the different types of rocks? What might these different types of rocks be used for? Can you match the different types of rocks to the correct name cards? Now shuffle the cards and have a game of matching pairs with a friend or adult. The person with the most cards at the end of the game wins!
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Reversible and irreversible changes: revision

Reversible and irreversible changes: revision

This activity is designed to help you revise a range of reversible and irreversible changes. Cut the cards out and place them face up on the table. Try to match up a material card with a process card – can you now find the correct reversible / irreversible card for this match? See how many correct matches you can make!
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