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Year 1 2D Shapes Quiz

Year 1 2D Shapes Quiz

Which shape am I? Your child can use the clues on this fun quiz sheet to identify the main 2D shapes. Answers are provided.
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Match up the number bonds to 10

Match up the number bonds to 10

You child will be able to identify the pairs of numbers that make ten with this number bonds worksheet.
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Identify the value of different coins worksheet

Identify the value of different coins

This money worksheet will help your child to recognise and become more familiar with coins. It is aimed at Year 1 pupils and is ideally done with a parent or carer.
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Sorting right angles

Sorting right angles

This worksheet will enable children to differentiate between right angles, angles smaller than a right angle, and angles larger than a right angle. A fun visual activity.
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Practise measuring capacity

Practise measuring capacity

This mathematics download will help your child to practise the vocabulary associated with capacity, eg. 'This container holds more water than that container'. It is aimed at Key Stage 1 pupils and a parent or carer should help the child.
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Going on a sensory walk

Going on a sensory walk

Take your child on a sensory walk and encourage them to describe the things they can see, hear, feel and smell.
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3 times table practice activity

3 times table practice

Cards to cut out and help your child to get quicker at remembering their 3 times table.
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Mark number sentences worksheet

Mark number sentences

This worksheet requires children to use their knowledge of calculation and number symbols in order to work out which number sentences are correct.
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How an electrical circuit works worksheet

How an electrical circuit works

A worksheet designed to illustrate the fact that a circuit must be complete for electricity to flow and a bulb to work.
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Which is the best insulator? activity

Which is the best insulator?

An experiment for children to do at home, which will illustrate the meaning of insulation.
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Explore and play with words

Explore and play with words

This Key Stage 1 reading and writing activity will help your child to explore and play with words and use an easy format for writing fun poetry.
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Estimating and measuring time worksheet

Estimating and measuring time

Ask your child to estimate and then accurately measure how long it takes to do everyday activities in order to practise measuring time.
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Writing similes worksheet

Write your own similes

A worksheet demonstrating to children what a simile is and then giving them prompts to write their own.
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Clockwise and anti-clockwise worksheet

Clockwise and anti-clockwise

Worksheet with circular diagrams for your child to add arrows demonstrating clockwise and anti-clockwise.
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All about skeletons quiz worksheet

All about skeletons quiz

Quiz questions to prompt your child to think about what they know about skeletons.
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Thermal insulators and thermal conductors activity

Thermal insulators and thermal conductors

A worksheet for children to cut out the names of different materials and then put them into the columns 'thermal insulator' and 'thermal conductor'.
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Predictions and conclusions: keeping healthy worksheet

Predictions and conclusions: keeping healthy

A worksheet with predictions for an experiment into heart rates to test children on their investigative skills.
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Understanding physical processes

Understanding physical processes

This worksheet will help your child to use first-hand experience to answer questions and to recognise that when things speed up, slow down or change direction, there is a cause.
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Writing about your favourite poem worksheet

Writing about your favourite poem

A worksheet giving prompts for children to think and write about the setting, structure and language of their favourite poem.
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Making sentences activity

Making sentences

Words for your child to cut out and then re-order into sentences. This activity will help them with understanding word order and how to use capitals and full stops.
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