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Ks1 English worksheets

Split digraphs revision football worksheet

Split digraphs revision (Phase 5 phonics)

A fun, teacher-created resource that helps children understand what a split digraph word is, which is often taught in Phase 5 phonics at primary school.
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Selecting adjectives football worksheet

Selecting adjectives

Can you make these sentences more interesting by using the adjective bank at the bottom of the page? Cut out all the adjectives so that you can move them around, then stick them down when you are happy with your sentences.
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Pick the correct homophone football worksheet

Pick the correct homophone

Homophones are pairs of words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Cut out these words and put them in the sentences in the correct places.
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Comparative adjectives: adding -er football worksheet

Comparative adjectives: adding -er

The comparative form of an adjective is used to compare two people or things. To form it we add -er to the adjective. Look at these sentences which compare two football players and add the correct ending to the adjectives.
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Apostrophes for possession football worksheet

Apostrophes for possession

When we are showing that something belongs to someone we use an apostrophe. Look at these sentences about football and add in the missing apostrophes.
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Apostrophes for missing letters football worksheet

Apostrophes for missing letters

Sometimes we want to shorten words when we’re speaking or writing. When we miss letters out, we replace them with an apostrophe (contractions). Look at the red words in this passage. Can you write them as contractions?
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Reading comprehension: The New Girl

Reading comprehension: The New Girl

Can you read this story with your mum or dad? Underline any important words or names you might need to remember. then have a go at answering the questions.
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Reading comprehension: The Hare and the Tortoise

Reading comprehension: The Hare and the Tortoise

Here is the story of The Hare and the Tortoise. Can you read it with your mum or dad? Underline any important words or names you might need to remember and then have a go at answering the questions.
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Reading comprehension: The Cat and the Mouse

Reading comprehension: The Cat and the Mouse

Here is the story of The Cat and the Mouse. Can you read it with your mum or dad? Underline any important words or names you might need to remember then have a go at answering the questions.
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Reading comprehension: The Birthday Party

Reading comprehension: The Birthday Party

Can you read this story with your mum or dad? Underline any important words or names you might need to remember and then have a go at answering the questions.
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Reading comprehension: My Little Brother

Reading comprehension: My Little Brother

Can you read this poem with your mum or dad? Underline any important words or names you might need to remember then have a go at answering the questions.
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Reading comprehension: Cinderella

Reading comprehension: Cinderella

Here is part of the story of Cinderella. Can you read it with your mum or dad? Underline any important words or names you might need to remember then have a go at answering the questions.
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Reading comprehension: The Camping Holiday

Reading comprehension: The Camping Holiday

Can you read this story with your mum or dad? Underline any important words or names you might need to remember then have a go at answering the questions.
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Square words wordsearch

Square words wordsearch

Can you find all these Goldilocks-themed words in the wordsearch?
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Mini word Sudoku

Mini word Sudoku 4 x 4

Put the letters from the word EASY in the squares so that each column, row, and mini-grid contains all the letters that make up the word.
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Double letter: opposites puzzle

Double letter: opposites

Cross out the letters that are in the grid twice. The letters that are left will spell two words that are opposites.
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Rhyming words: creatures word puzzle

Rhyming words: creatures word puzzle

Practise your rhyming and spelling skills by thinking of names of animals that rhyme with each of these words. There could be more than one answer... how many can you identify?
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Split words: colours

Split words: colours

Four names of colours have been split in half. Can you find the matching parts to see what they are?
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Missing words: nouns

Missing words: nouns

Spot the nouns then place the missing nouns in the correct place in the story.
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Find the rainbow colours

Find the rainbow colours

There are seven colours in the rainbow. Can you match the first part of each word to the second part to form the names of the colours, then colour in the rainbow below?
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