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Ks2 English worksheets

Recognise word patterns in words worksheet

Recognise word patterns in words

Challenge your child to find short words within longer words, then create and spell new words using a limited number of letters.
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Writing frame - letter to a friend worksheet

Writing frame - letter to a friend

An empty writing frame for children to use to write their own letter. Also prompts the use of time connectives.
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Writing a haiku worksheet

Writing a haiku

This worksheet shows children how to structure a haiku and then gives them prompts on how to write their own.
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Writing in the correct style worksheet

Writing in the correct style

What's your child's dream holiday destination? Their task is to write a leaflet advertising it to persuade people to book their holiday there. They'll need to understand holiday-brochure writing, select the right style and write persuasively. Can their writing convince you to visit?
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Writing a riddle worksheet

Writing a riddle

A worksheet prompting your child to use descriptive phrases and rhyming words to write a riddle about an everyday object.
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Writing a poem using a writing frame

Writing a poem using a writing frame

This poem encourages children to write a poem about something that they often make a fuss about. They are given a writing frame to support them.
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Points of view in writing worksheet

Points of view in writing

Does your child feel passionately about the environment? Encourage them to see the argument from both sides and present two pieces of writing, one 'for' and one 'against', about a given issue.
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Writing a poem based on common sayings

Writing a poem based on common sayings

A worksheet prompting your child to write a poem based on common sayings that they hear every day.
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Writing an acrostic poem worksheet

Writing an acrostic poem

A worksheet encouraging children to think of ideas and then structure them into an acrostic poem.
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Newspaper report writing

Newspaper report writing

It's your child's turn to make the front page! Ask them to plan and report on a local issue, interviewing friends and family to get quotes.It will help them understand how newspaper reports are written, as well as encouraging them to become more aware of a local issue.
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Writing similes worksheet

Write your own similes

A worksheet demonstrating to children what a simile is and then giving them prompts to write their own.
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Writing a limerick worksheet

Writing a limerick

A worksheet encouraging children to read a limerick and think about its structure, then structure their own limerick.
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Primary and secondary sources worksheet

Primary and secondary sources

How do we find out about the past? What evidence is available to us, and how can we research events that happened over 100 years ago? This worksheet will help your child develop an understanding of the passing of time and encourage them to think historically.
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Marking punctuation worksheet

Marking punctuation

A worksheet with a passage of writing that your child needs to read over and mark, inserting the correct punctuation.
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Writing about your favourite poem worksheet

Writing about your favourite poem

A worksheet giving prompts for children to think and write about the setting, structure and language of their favourite poem.
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Write your own kenning worksheet

Write your own kenning

Learn all about kennings: practise using just two words words to create a highly descriptive image.
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Time words worksheet

Time words

A worksheet prompting children to look for words associated with time in a poem. They then need to sort these words into categories.
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Writing your ideas with paragraphs worksheet

Writing your ideas with paragraphs

This worksheet requires children to imagine that they have been given a large sum of money and then use paragraphs to write about what they would do with it.
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Boosting writing with powerful verbs worksheet

Boosting writing with powerful verbs

This activity will help your child identify powerful verbs and practise using them to improve their writing.
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Instructions on how to play a game worksheet

Instructions on how to play a game

This worksheet encourages your child to write instructions on how to play a game for a child who does not speak English.
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