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Year 4 Maths worksheets

Setting out and solving column addition problems worksheet

Setting out and solving column addition problems

This worksheet involves real-life word problems that need to be solved using column addition. All the numbers used have three or four digits.
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Find equivalent fractions worksheet

Find equivalent fractions

A worksheet to encourage your child to think of equivalent fractions to match those given.
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Understanding column addition worksheet

Understanding column addition

This worksheet will give your child practice in carrying out column addition with three- and four-digit numbers.
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Is < or > or = missing? activity

Is < or > or = missing?

A worksheet to help children practise their knowledge of the symbols: <, > and =. It also involves practising different operations.
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Mark number sentences worksheet

Mark number sentences

This worksheet requires children to use their knowledge of calculation and number symbols in order to work out which number sentences are correct.
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Rounding numbers to the nearest hundred worksheet

Rounding numbers to the nearest hundred

A worksheet designed to help children practise rounding numbers in the thousands to the nearest hundred.
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Rounding numbers to the nearest ten worksheet

Rounding numbers to the nearest ten

A worksheet for practising rounding numbers in the hundreds to the nearest ten.
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Rounding up and down by ten activity

Rounding up and down by ten

A cutting out and sorting activity for children to practise their knowledge of rounding numbers up and down to the nearest ten.
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Calculate and measure areas worksheet

Calculate and measure areas

Use square centimeters to calculate and measure the area of rectangles.
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Division: splitting numbers worksheet

Division: splitting numbers

Splitting big numbers can help your child learn to divide them correctly. Remind them to watch out for remainders!
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Division revision and practice worksheet

Division revision and practice

Help your child tackle simple division problems, practising how to translate a story problem into a number sentence.
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Column addition with three- and four-digit numbers worksheet

Column addition with three- and four-digit numbers

Column addition practice is much easier if your child is using a grid to help them keep the units, tens, hundreds and thousands in the right place value columns! Working through this worksheet will help them test the technique.
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Addition using the counting on or number line method worksheet

Addition using the counting on or number line method

Counting on in hops and number lines are the methods used to solve these addition calculations. This worksheet offers your child a step-by-step reminder of the technique and then lots of addition problems to practise on.
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Equivalent fractions explained worksheet

Equivalent fractions explained

An excellent KS2 worksheet created by an experienced teacher to help your child learn about finding equivalent fractions and calculating them. The pictorial representation is particularly helpful when explaining the concept to your child.
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Partitioning numbers to subtract worksheet

Partitioning numbers to subtract

When solving problems using a number line your child will learn to partition the number and count back. This worksheet explains the technique and offers some subtraction problems for your child to practise on.
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Fractions: sharing numbers worksheet

Fractions: sharing numbers

Fractions help us divide or share out numbers or objects. Can your child solve these simple fractions number problems by using their knowledge of numerators and denominators?
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Partitioning numbers up to five digits worksheet

Partitioning numbers up to five digits

Partitioning is splitting numbers into their different parts – for example, 123 is partitioned as 100 + 20 + 3. Children use partitioning in all their calculations in primary school; using their place value skills, this worksheet will help them practise partitioning numbers up to five digits long.
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Place value practice worksheet

Place value practice

Place value is one of the building blocks of primary maths education. Help your child practise identifying the value of each digit in a number with this worksheet and boost their confidence with units, tens, hundreds, thousands and more.
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Multiplication sign

The Parents' Guide to multiplication

Can you explain multiplication to your child? Our guide offers a quick review of what you need to know, including partitioning numbers, column multiplication and grid methods.
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Division sign

The Parents' Guide to division

From sharing and grouping to shorthand division and chunking, this is your step-by-step guide to how your child will be taught to divide numbers in KS2.
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