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Ks2 Science worksheets

Seed dispersal activity

Seed dispersal

An activity to encourage your child to look for plants and think about the way the seeds are dispersed.
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Dissolving solids and temperature experiment activity

Dissolving solids and temperature experiment

This experiment helps children to think about how to methodically carry out an investigation and then draw conclusions about temperature and dissolving from the results.
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Reversible changes: solids and liquids activity

Reversible changes: solids and liquids

An activity to help your child understand that some solids can be separated from liquids by filtering.
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Designing for a purpose

Designing for a purpose

Let your child use their imagination to create a camouflage outfit, helping them explore ideas about designing for a purpose.
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Light and shadows facts worksheet

Light and shadows facts

This worksheet gives facts about light and shadows that children need to read and then work out whether they think they are true or false.
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Draw a food chain diagram worksheet

Draw a food chain diagram

A worksheet to prompt your child to use their knowledge of food chains to make their own chain with the given organisms.
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Using technology in science worksheet

Using technology in science

A worksheet encouraging children to think about the technology used by scientists in particular areas of science.
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Testing a hypothesis worksheet

Testing a hypothesis

A worksheet giving a hypothesis about the movements of the Sun and Earth. Children need to think about whether it is right or wrong and explain their reasoning.
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Dissolving solids in hot water activity

Dissolving solids in hot water

This experiment helps children to see clearly how some solids dissolve in hot water and some solids do not.
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Understanding acids and decay activity

Understanding acids and decay

This fun activity helps children to understand that micro-organisms in our mouth are responsible for turning sugar to acid. It demonstrates the effect of acid on teeth by using an egg and some vinegar.
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Experimenting with forces: jet engine experiment

Experimenting with forces

Develop your child's understanding of forces with an experiment to demonstrate the workings of a jet engine whilst encouraging scientific discussion.
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Magnets quiz worksheet

Magnets quiz

Questions about magnets for children to think about and / or research.
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Finding habitats activity

Finding habitats

An activity to encourage your child to go outside and look for habitats, then record the features they find.
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What is friction? worksheet

What is friction?

Worksheet with a list of statement about friction which children need to sort into 'correct' and 'incorrect' boxes.
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The difference between solids, liquids and gases worksheet

The difference between solids, liquids and gases

Worksheet showing the difference between solids, liquids and gases and encouraging children to find objects and describe them.
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Experimenting with circuits worksheet

Experimenting with circuits

This worksheet asks children to think about what difference extra bulbs or cells make to a circuit.
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Understanding circuits worksheet

Understanding circuits

A worksheet to help test children's knowledge of circuits. It also asks questions about fair testing and variables.
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Understanding magnetic objects

Understanding magnetic objects

Fun experiments to help your child learn about magnetism and magnets.
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Plan a scientific investigation worksheet

Plan a scientific investigation

This worksheet encourages children to read through a plan of an investigation and decide where the problems might be.
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Friction investigation worksheet

Friction investigation

Help your child to plan an investigation into friction using the grid on this worksheet.
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