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Ks2 Science worksheets

Changing state: condensation activity

Changing state: condensation

A worksheet with activities your child can try at home to demonstrate the process of condensation.
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Useful gases around us worksheet

Useful gases around us

A worksheet encouraging your child to research into how different gases are used to help us in everyday life.
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Harmful micro-organisms worksheet

Harmful micro-organisms

This download prompts your child to think about the harmful micro-organisms that are killed by cleaning products.
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Gravity explained worksheet

Gravity explained

Deepen your child's understanding of gravity and offer an opportunity to illustrate that understanding.
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Rocks and soil facts worksheet

Rocks and soil facts

This worksheet encourages children to read through the list of statements about rocks and soils and then decide whether they are true or false.
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Moving and growing worksheet

Moving and growing

A list of questions to prompt children into thinking further about moving and growing and the importance of the skeleton.
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Changing state: evaporation worksheet

Changing state: evaporation

A worksheet with pictures of the process of evaporation. Children need to write in the boxes what they think is happening in each picture.
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Investigate the principles of forces

Investigate the principles of forces

This worksheet will help your child experience the basic principles of forces such as pushing/pulling, gravity, and friction.
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How animals are adapted to their habitat worksheet

How animals are adapted to their habitat

This worksheet encourages children to think about animals in the desert and research how they are adapted to life in that habitat.
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Balanced shopping list Y3 science worksheet

A balanced shopping list

On this worksheet, children need to sort different foods into their groups.
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Select material properties worksheet

Select material properties

A worksheet to help your child think about the properties of different materials, with prompt words at the bottom.
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Muscles and skeletons facts worksheet

Muscles and skeletons facts

A list of statements about muscles and bones that children need to cut out and then sort into 'true' and 'false' piles.
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Comparative sizes of the Earth, sun and moon activity

Comparative sizes of the Earth, sun and moon

An activity for your child to try at home to help them get a clear understanding of the comparative sizes of and distances between the Earth, Sun and moon.
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Understanding physical processes

Understanding physical processes

This worksheet will help your child to use first-hand experience to answer questions and to recognise that when things speed up, slow down or change direction, there is a cause.
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How fast do solids dissolve? activity

How fast do solids dissolve?

This activity encourages children to investigate at home which factors will make a difference to how fast a solid dissolves.
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All about rocks worksheet

All about rocks

A worksheet encouraging children to match types of rock (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic) with their descriptions.
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Step-by-step investigation worksheet

Step-by-step investigation

Use this worksheet to help your child plan an investigation into the amount of light different materials will allow through.
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Reaching conclusions worksheet

Reaching conclusions

A worksheet showing results of an experiment with questions underneath to consider.
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Experimenting with pitch activity

Experimenting with pitch

Suggestions for activities to try at home to help your child investigate factors that affect pitch.
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Learning about forces

Learning about forces

This science worksheet is aimed at Key Stage 2 pupils and will help your child to develop their science skills by using first-hand experience to answer questions.
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