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Year 4 Division worksheets

6 times table division speed grids worksheet

6 times table division speed grids

Does your child need to practise division facts? Set them this speed grid challenge for the 6 times table.
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6 times table number sentences worksheet

6 times table number sentences

A quick revision worksheet to help your child practise their multiplication and division facts for the 6 times table.
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Practise 6 times table division facts worksheet

Practise 6 times table division facts

As well as learning times tables, children need to know the corresponding division facts. Help your child practise 6 times table division facts with this simple worksheet.
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Jumbled number sentences division worksheet

Jumbled number sentences division

A puzzle activity to help your child practise their division facts by rearranging number sentences.
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6 times table division facts worksheet

6 times table division facts

Revise multiplication and division number sentences with this 6 times table division facts worksheet.
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Division and chunking

Division and chunking

An activity involving cutting out cards and matching a division problem to the correct working out.
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Division story problems worksheet

Division story problems

Real-life word problems to help your child practise using written methods for division.
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Division: splitting numbers worksheet

Division: splitting numbers

Splitting big numbers can help your child learn to divide them correctly. Remind them to watch out for remainders!
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Division revision and practice worksheet

Division revision and practice

Help your child tackle simple division problems, practising how to translate a story problem into a number sentence.
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Division sign

The Parents' Guide to division

From sharing and grouping to shorthand division and chunking, this is your step-by-step guide to how your child will be taught to divide numbers in KS2.
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Times table and division facts practice worksheet

Times table and division facts practice

This worksheet shows children the relationship between multiplication and division. It encourages them to write out number sentences containing the same numbers in different ways.
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Matching multiplication and division facts worksheet

Matching multiplication and division facts

Your child can use this grid to test themselves on their multiplication facts. They then need to relate their multiplication facts to their division facts.
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