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Grammar worksheets

Punctuation practice worksheet

Punctuation practice

A list of sentences with no punctuation, which children need to re-write inserting the correct punctuation.
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Punctuating correctly worksheet

Punctuating correctly

Sentences to cut up and then sort into two piles: 'correctly punctuated' and 'incorrectly punctuated'.
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Punctuating a paragraph worksheet

Punctuating a paragraph

Children are asked to read an unpunctuated passage and rewrite it with the correct punctuation.
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Spelling patterns: The prefix con- worksheet

Spelling patterns: The prefix con-

Words with the prefix con- and their definitions have been muddled up. Encourage your child to read them and then draw lines matching them up.
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Spelling patterns: numerical prefixes worksheet

Spelling patterns: numerical prefixes

Cards for children to cut out and re-arrange so that they have made various words with numerical prefixes.
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Illustrating a text worksheet

Illustrating a text

Children need to read a paragraph of text and then use the imagery in it to guide them to draw a picture of what is described.
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Forming words with prefixes worksheet

Forming words with prefixes

Sentences with gaps that need to be filled by words with prefixes. Children are encouraged to think about which prefixes have been used to form the words.
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Expanding vocabulary worksheet

Expanding vocabulary

This worksheet encourages your child to extend their vocabulary by looking at three different adjectives and then thinking about three alternative words that could be used for each.
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Building words with prefixes worksheet

Building words with prefixes

A list of words with various prefixes. Children are encouraged to find out the definition of these words using a dictionary or from their own knowledge.
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What are homophones? worksheet

What are homophones?

Pairs of homophones for children to cut up and then insert into the incomplete sentences given. Encourages your child to think about the meaning and spelling of these words.

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Using paragraphs worksheet

Using paragraphs

A set of paragraphs with muddled-up sub-headings. Encourage your child to read the paragraphs and then decide which sub-headings go where.
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Using figurative language: similes and metaphors worksheet

Using figurative language: similes and metaphors

A passage of text containing similes and metaphors. Children need to read the definition of each and then highlight each in different colours.
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Using figurative language: hyperbole and personification worksheet

Using figurative language: hyperbole and personification

A passage of text containing hyperbole and personification. Children need to read the definition of each and then highlight each in different colours.
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Using apostrophes worksheet

Using apostrophes

A passage of text containing words that need shortening with the use of apostrophes. Children are encouraged to 'mark' the text and write alternatives above each part that is underlined.
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Using adverbs to add interest worksheet

Using adverbs to add interest

A list of sentences containing speech. Children are encouraged to use the bank of adverbs to improve the sentences.
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Using adverbs correctly worksheet

Using adverbs correctly

A list of sentences which could be improved by the use of adverbs. A bank of adverbs is included at the bottom of the sheet to help your child.
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Spelling rules: plurals worksheet

Spelling rules: plurals

A worksheet explaining the spelling rules for turning words with different endings into their plural form. Includes cards to sort into 'correct' and 'incorrect' piles.
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Spelling rules: adding -ed and -ing worksheet

Spelling rules: adding -ed and -ing

A worksheet explaining the spelling rule for adding 'ed' and 'ing' to verbs that have either a long or short vowel. Includes cards for your child to cut out and re-arrange to help with their spelling.
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Possessive apostrophes worksheet

Possessive apostrophes

Explanation of how to use possessive apostrophes and then some activities to help your child put this concept into practice.
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Playing with adverbs activity

Playing with adverbs

Cut up these adverbs and then play the two games suggested. This will help your child to understand the meanings of different adverbs and encourage them to use them when speaking and writing.
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