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Year 1 Grammar worksheets

Capital letters and full stops worksheet

Capital letters and full stops practice

Your child can practise working with capital letters and full stops by writing them where needed in this list of sentences.
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Full stops and capitals: a space story worksheet

Full stops and capitals: a space story

This task involves cutting the words up and then arranging them into four sentences. Children then need to write these sentences with full stops and capital letters.
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Changing verbs to add -ing and -ed worksheet

Changing verbs to add -ing and -ed

This worksheet explains the rules for changing the tense of verbs ending in 'e' and also those that end in 'hissing' and 'buzzing' sounds.
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Spelling patterns: the prefix un-

Spelling patterns: the prefix un-

A prefix is a string of letters that is added on to the start of a word. When you add the prefix ‘un-’ to a word, it gives the word the opposite meaning. Can you use this rule to change the meaning of words in these sentences?
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