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Word puzzles for Key Stage 1 English learning pack

Word puzzles for Key Stage 1 English

Take a break from homework and spelling drills with this collection of word puzzles for Key Stage 1! Each one covers a different concept that your child will learn in English lessons, but presents it as something to solve by remembering what they've been taught in class.
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Question marks practice worksheet

Question marks practice

Have your child decide which sentences need question marks, and which need full stops.
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Practise the -ing rule worksheet

Practise the -ing rule

In this worksheet, your child can practise the -ing rule and add it onto the ends of words.
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Practise adding adjectives worksheet

Practise adding adjectives

Help your child get used to using adjectives by turning these plain sentences into ones that are interesting to read.
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Practise -tion words worksheet

Practise -tion words

In this worksheet, your child can learn how to spell words that end in -tion, and write them in sentences.
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Writing longer sentences worksheet

Writing longer sentences

These sentences each contain two parts joined by a connective. Encourage your child to underline the two parts of each sentence in different colours.
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Irregular plurals: words ending in y worksheet

Irregular plurals: words ending in y

Spelling can be tricky. Help your child master the spelling rule for words ending in y with this worksheet, and, for an extra challenge, use them in sentences of their own.
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Perfect Punctuation Workbook

Perfect Punctuation Workbook

Full stops, commas, semi colons, apostrophes… Whatever aspect of punctuation your child is grappling with, we’ve come up with a bumper pack of 60 activities to help them practise, as well as a parent's refresher guide to each punctuation mark and how it's used.
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Joining words worksheet

Joining words

Use this worksheet to encourage your child to think about which joining words can be put in the sentences so that they make sense.
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Joining words (connectives) worksheet

Joining words (connectives)

This worksheet allows your child to write their own sentences using the given connectives.
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Match the sentence halves worksheet

Match the sentence halves

Use this worksheet to help your child understand that sentences need to make sense, by matching the sentence halves.
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Present tense and past tense worksheet

Present tense and past tense

Encourage your child to become familiar with past and present tense sentences, by getting them to read and match up the ones given here.
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Sorting sentences worksheet

Sorting sentences

Encourage your child to think about how sentences are structured, by getting them to sort these sentences into those with one piece of information and those with two pieces of information.
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The past tense worksheet

The past tense

Encourage your child to think of past tense verbs and then use them in sentences.
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Using connectives in a sentence worksheet

Using connectives in a sentence

Encourage your child to write a sentence giving two pieces of information joined by a connective in the middle.
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Using the present and past tense worksheet

Using the present and past tense

Encourage your child to think about sentences written in the present and past tense and use some of their own.
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Inserting punctuation into a text worksheet

Inserting punctuation into a text

This sheet gives a passage of text, which children need to read through before deciding where to insert full stops, capital letters and commas.
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Highlighting punctuation in a text worksheet

Highlighting punctuation in a text

This sheet shows a passage of text. Children are required to highlight different types of punctuation with different colours.
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What are homophones? worksheet

What are homophones?

Pairs of homophones for children to cut up and then insert into the incomplete sentences given. Encourages your child to think about the meaning and spelling of these words.

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Using apostrophes worksheet

Using apostrophes

A passage of text containing words that need shortening with the use of apostrophes. Children are encouraged to 'mark' the text and write alternatives above each part that is underlined.
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