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Multiplication worksheets

Multiplication and division calculations matching worksheet

Multiplication and division calculations matching

Melissa has checked her multiplications by using division. Which calculations do you think she used? Match the correct pairs of multiplication and divisions.
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Multiplying a three-digit number by a two-digit number with the grid method

Long multiplication worksheet

To use the grid method when multiplying large numbers you will need to partition numbers and put them in a table. Use this method to work out these sums.
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Mental multiplication and division of decimals

Mental multiplication and division of decimals

Use your knowledge of times tables to work out these sums involving multiplying and dividing decimals.
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Square numbers

Square numbers

When you multiply a number by itself, the result is a square number. Cut out these cards and see if you can pick out the square numbers.
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Multiplying decimal numbers by one-digit numbers

Multiplying decimal numbers by one-digit numbers

If you are multiplying a decimal by a one-digit number, it is a good idea to multiply the decimal by 10 first to make the calculation simpler. Don’t forget to divide the answer by 10, too! Use this method to help you work out these sums.
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Doubles up to double 5 worksheet

Doubles up to double 5

When you double a number you add it to itself, so double 5 means 5 + 5. Use the teddy number line to help you solve these double problems!
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Multiplying pairs of multiples of 10 worksheet

Multiplying pairs of multiples of 10

Here are a few techniques you could try to multiply pairs of multiples of 10. Can you use one of these techniques to answer these questions?
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Multiplying and dividing by ten and a hundred worksheet

Multiplying and dividing by ten and a hundred

When multiplying by ten, numbers move one place to the left. When multiplying by one hundred, numbers move two places to the left. When dividing by ten, numbers move one place to the right. When dividing by one hundred, numbers move two places to the right. Use this method to work out the answers to these questions.
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Multiplying a three-digit number by a one-digit number with the grid method

Multiplying a three-digit number by a one-digit number with the grid method

The grid method is a good way to multiply three digits by one digit. To do this you will need to partition your numbers and put them in a table. Can you use the grid method to work out these sums?
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Finding multiples worksheet

Finding multiples

Draw a line to match these numbers to the correct multiple underneath. (Remember, some numbers have more than one multiple.)
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Finding factors worksheet

Finding factors

A FACTOR is a whole number that multiplies with another whole number to make a third number. Can you find all the pairs of factors for these numbers?
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Decimals: doubling and halving worksheet

Decimals: doubling and halving

When doubling and halving decimals it is sometimes easier to imagine them as two-digit numbers. See if you can double and halve the following decimals, using the knowledge you already have of doubling and halving other numbers.
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Using a calculator for two-step problems worksheet

Using a calculator for two-step problems

You can use a calculator for these two-step problems. What calculations will you need to do? Think hard about what numbers you need to key in and what you will need to write down as you go along.
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Solving two-step problems worksheet

Solving two-step word problems

Can you solve these problems? Jot down the numbers you need to use on the notebooks. Think about the steps needed to work out these problems and jot numbers down as you go along. Ask a parent if you need help finding one half and one fifth of a number.
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Doubles and halves of two- and three-digit numbers worksheet

Mental maths checker: doubles and halves of two- and three-digit numbers

Can you double and halve these two- and three-digit numbers? Colour in a star every time you get 10/10!
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Multiplying with the partitioning method worksheet

Multiplying with the partitioning method

When multiplying a two-digit number by a one-digit number, use your partitioning skills to split up the two-digit number and multiply each digit in turn. It works in exactly the same way as the grid method… just without the grid! Use this method to multiply these numbers.
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Multiplying by 100 worksheet

Multiplying by 100

When you multiply a number by 100, use your place value skills to slide the digits two places to the left, then put two zeros in before the decimal point. Cut out these number cards. Each green number is an orange number multiplied by a hundred. Can you match them into their correct pairs?
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Multiples of 5 investigation worksheet

Multiples of 5 investigation

Carol, Robert, Faye and Daniel all have collections of monster cards. Can you work out how many monster cards each person has from the information given?
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Incomplete multiplications worksheet

Incomplete multiplications

What numbers need to go in these stars so that the number sentences are correct? Think of any number to put in the gap. For example, if you put 3 in the first number sentence, you then need to multiply 3 by 10 and then multiply 3 by 8. You need to add these two numbers together. If this does not make the total given, you need to adjust the number up or down until you get that answer.
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Doubling two-digit and three-digit numbers worksheet

Doubling two-digit and three-digit numbers

When doubling a number, trying doubling each digit in turn and then adding them together. Use this method to double each of these numbers.
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