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Year 1 Numbers and counting worksheets

Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s worksheet

Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

Incomplete number sequences for your child to fill in, helping them practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
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Putting numbers in order worksheet

Putting numbers in order

A fun worksheet involving re-arranging four numbers so that they are in order.
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Number line jigsaw worksheet

Number line jigsaw

This worksheet consists of an empty number line for you to add your own numbers to. The number line then needs to be cut up and muddled up for your child so that they can re-arrange it into its original order.
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KS1 number square to 100

Number square to 100

In KS1 maths your child will learn to calculate using a number square to 100. Print out our teacher-created versions (plain, jungle-themed and very colourful!) to help them practise addition and subtraction at home.
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