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Science worksheets

Making your own compost activity

Making your own compost

This download explains the process of micro-organisms being useful in helping organic matter to decay. It then gives instructions on how to make your own compost.
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Counting forces: experiment with a ball.

Counting forces: experiment with a ball

A fun way to introduce your child to the concept of gravity and its effect on objects.
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What material is it made of?

What material is it made of?

Your child will develop their knowledge of materials and their properties with this fun to do worksheet.
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Design a toy activity

Design a toy

Work with your child to draw a design for a toy using labels. Your child can then make the toy and invite someone to play-test it.
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Changing materials investigation activity

Changing materials investigation

A practical activity for children to test what happens when they stretch, bend, squash and twist different materials.
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Sorting materials into sets activity

Sorting materials into sets

A worksheet with boxes for sorting different materials into sets according to their properties.
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How are magnets used worksheet

How are magnets used

A worksheet to encourage children to think about objects and whether they use magnets.
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Make simple predictions worksheet

Make simple predictions

This KS2 download will help your child to make simple comparisons and use first-hand experience to test predictions.
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Temperature and heat worksheet

Temperature and heat

Vocabulary regarding temperature and heat for children to cut out and match with the correct definitions.
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Pollination and fertilisation worksheet

Pollination and fertilisation

A worksheet demonstrating the male and female parts of a flower and then explaining the process of pollination and fertilisation. Children draw pictures to show their understanding.
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Investigating floating and sinking activity

Investigating floating and sinking

Activity encouraging children to use objects around the home to demonstrate floating, sinking and the upthrust force of water.
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Mass and weight in air and water worksheet

Mass and weight in air and water

Children are asked to think about the difference between the weight of a spoon in water and the weight of a spoon in air.
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Guess that sound

Guess that sound

In this entertaining activity your child will learn all about sounds.
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What plants need to grow

What plants need to grow

An experiment that combines having fun with learning all about what plants need to grow.
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Draw a route map

Draw a route map

This worksheet encourages your child to think about and draw the journey they take to school with sense of 'aerial perspective'.
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Classification of plants and animals activity

Classification of plants and animals

A cutting out and sorting activity to help your child understand the difference between plants and animals.
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Time to investigate floating activity

Time to investigate floating

An opportunity for your child to design their own investigation to find out which materials float.
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Investigate rock properties worksheet

Investigate rock properties

Worksheet encouraging children to think about the properties of different rocks.
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Create habitats for wildlife worksheet

Create habitats for wildlife

A worksheet encouraging your child to design their own area that will encourage wildlife.
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The benefits of friction worksheet

The benefits of friction

Worksheet prompting your child to design a poster letting people know about the beneficial effects of friction.
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