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First 100 high-frequency words list

First 100 high-frequency words
Children learn to read and spell high-frequency words, the most common words in English-language texts, throughout primary school. Download a list of the first 100 high-frequency words to use for at-home spelling practice and revision.
Keystage:  EYFS, Reception, KS1, Year 1, Year 2

What are high-frequency words?

High-frequency words are those common words that show up everywhere in reading materials. They're the ones your child needs to know inside out because they're such frequent flyers in written texts.

When your child brings home reading assignments, you'll notice these words popping up repeatedly. They're the focus of teaching because they're essential for reading success. Once mastered, they make reading a whole lot smoother.

As a parent, you can help your child by spending time with reading materials, doing practice activities, and maybe even some drills. It's all about giving them the tools they need to tackle reading like a pro.

How will this list of high-frequency words help my child?

This first 100 high-frequency words list is presented in order of how often they are used in texts. It has been created by a primary-school teacher with the purpose of making the words easy to remember and fun to learn. 

For a guide to how children learn high-frequency words in school, and in what order, read our parents' guide to high-frequency words.