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Year 2 Telling the time worksheets

Telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes: matching activity

Telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes: matching activity

Can you match the clock faces to the times given in writing? Cut them out and match them up.
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Compare and sequence intervals of time worksheet

Compare and sequence intervals of time

Time intervals are best understood through practical activities. Here are some hands-on ways of experiencing the passing of time with your child. Once you’ve tried them, ask your child to cut out the activity cards and put them in order next to the matching time interval cards.
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Telling the time (five-minute intervals) worksheet

Telling the time (five-minute intervals)

Can you read the time on these clock faces?
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Writing analogue time football worksheet

Writing analogue time

Each of these boxes show the times that different matches are starting. Can you help the players to get to their matches on time by drawing the correct times on the clock faces?
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Number crossword: days and time

Number crossword: days and time

Fill this like an ordinary crossword, except the answers are numbers not words.
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Reading the time: quarter to the hour worksheet

Reading the time: quarter to

In Y2 your child will learn to read the time to 15 and 45 minutes past the hour. Help them practise 'quarter to' with this worksheet.
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Reading the time: quarter past worksheet

Reading the time: quarter past

Telling-the-time practice worksheet for Y2 students: reading the time to quarter past the hour.
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Cool Maths Games for kids learning pack

Cool maths games for kids

Add an extra learning dimension to family game time – try one of our Cool Maths board games and help reinforce your child's knowledge of number bonds, percentages and fractions while you play. Compiled by deputy headteacher Matt Revill and packed with 20 games, this maths learning pack covers all the key skills your child will need to master as part of the primary numeracy curriculum.
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Reading the time to the half hour and the quarter hour worksheet

Reading the time to the half hour and quarter hour

In year 2 your child will be learning to read the time to the half and quarter hour. Help them practise both clock-reading and fractions skills with this worksheet.
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Estimating and checking times worksheet

Estimating and checking times

This fun maths worksheet will help your child to estimate and check times using a simple timer, watch or clock.
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Telling the time learning pack

Telling the time pack

Learning to tell the time is a process which spans the primary-school years, and children can find it overwhelmingly hard. The Telling the Time pack is a complete guide to everything you need to know to support your child and help them get to grips with this vital skill, bursting with practical suggestions, advice from experts and activity sheets for all the key stages.
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Clockwise and anti-clockwise worksheet

Clockwise and anti-clockwise

Worksheet with circular diagrams for your child to add arrows demonstrating clockwise and anti-clockwise.
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