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Secret message percentages worksheet

Secret message percentages

Once you can find 50%, 25%, 75%, 10% and 5% of numbers you can find a lot of other percentages too. Find each of your answers in the coded table to uncover a secret treasure-map message.
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Quadrilaterals and coordinates worksheet

Quadrilaterals and coordinates

On the grid, plot each set of coordinates then find the fourth coordinate to draw the shape given.
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Perimeter and area of compound shapes worksheet

Perimeter and area of compound shapes

Can you find the perimeter of this shape? You’ll need to find the lengths of the two missing sides first. Then see if you can calculate the perimeter of this eight-sided shape? Finally, can you find the area of these shapes?
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Nets of cubes puzzles

Nets of cubes puzzles

A net is what a 3D (three-dimensional) shape would look like if it were opened out flat. Find as many different nets as possible that are not the reflection of each other. There are quite a few!
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Mean, median, mode and range puzzles

Mean, median, mode and range puzzles

Use your knowledge of how to find the mean, median, mode and range to solve these problems.
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Fractions, percentages and decimals problems

Fractions, percentages and decimals problems

Can you find fractions and percentages of amounts and compare fractions, decimals and percentages? Then you’re ready to try solving these problems!
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Fractions word problems worksheet

Fractions word problems

You’ll need to find fractions of amounts and add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions in order to solve the problems on this sheet.
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Dividing fractions by a whole number worksheet

Dividing fractions by a whole number

If you can multiply fractions you’ll soon be able to divide them by whole numbers, too. Are you ready to have a go at these tricky calculations?
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Decimals check-up worksheet

Decimals check-up

Can you put these decimals in order from smallest to largest?
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Decimal addition and subtraction worksheet

Decimal addition and subtraction

Can you fill in the gaps to make each number sentence true?
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Complete number sequences worksheet

Complete number sequences

You need to be able to calculate with negative numbers and decimals to do these tricky questions...
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Calculating the volume of cuboids worksheet

Calculating the volume of cuboids

Do you remember the formula for calculating the volume of a cuboid? See if you can work out the volume of these cuboids, as well as their length, width and height.
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BODMAS puzzles

BODMAS puzzles

Can you write down what BODMAS means? Then make these number sentences true by putting brackets in the correct place.
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Y6 SATs enrichment activities, TheSchoolRun

Y6 SATs enrichment activities

SATs have become synonymous with drilling and fact-based learning and children can find them boring and sometimes even demoralising to prepare for. This learning pack is a collection of enrichment activities aimed at getting children to use their imaginations and think about test management and success in a very different way.
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Working with scale factors worksheet

Working with scale factors

Can you solve these scale factor problems?
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Solving scale factor problems worksheet

Solving scale factor problems

Can you solve these scale factor problems?
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Scale factor problems worksheet

Scale factor problems

We use scale factor to talk about the numbers a shape has been multiplied by to make a new shape in proportion with the original. Can you answer these scale factor questions?
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Looking at scale factors worksheet

Looking at scale factors

We use scale factor when we talk about increasing the size of a 2D shape. The size by which we make the shape larger is described by its scale factor. Can you solve these scale factor problems?
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Year 3 place value quiz

Year 3 place value quiz

Ask your child to cut out the number cards below while you cut out the question card. Your child then needs to lay out all the number cards on a table, face up. Call out each question. Your child needs to find the number card that has the answer on it. If they get it right, they turn the card over. Continue until all the cards have been turned over.
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Y5 place value quiz

Y5 place value quiz

Cut out the following numbers and put them face up on a table. Now ask an adult to read out the questions below. Every time you think you’ve found the correct number, turn it over so it is face down.
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