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Grammar worksheets

Powerful verbs worksheet

Powerful verbs

Encourage your child to think about the meanings of powerful verbs, by matching three interesting verbs to one boring one.
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Playing with verbs activity

Playing with verbs

Use these verb cards to play two different games which will help your children to become more familiar with interesting verbs.
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Connectives practice worksheet

Connectives practice

This worksheet gives sentence starters with connectives for your child to complete in imaginative ways.
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Connective game worksheet

Connective game

This game will encourage your child to use connectives when they are speaking. They will then be more likely to use sentences with connectives in their writing.
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Concrete and abstract nouns worksheet

Concrete and abstract nouns

This worksheet explains the difference between concrete and abstract nouns. It then gives a paragraph of text for children to underline the different types of nouns.
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Classifying nouns worksheet

Classifying nouns

This worksheet explains the different types of nouns and encourages your child to collect and classify them.
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Adjectives: describing words worksheet

Adjectives: describing words

Use this worksheet to encourage your child to use appropriate adjectives to describe a picture.
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