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Multiplication worksheets

Spot the wrong answers: 3 times table worksheet

Spot the wrong answers: 3 times table

How well do you know the 3 times table? Mark the incorrect answers to the number sentences on this worksheet.
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3 times table speed grids worksheet

3 times table speed grids

Challenge yourself on the 3 times table by seeing how quickly you can complete these speed grids! Can you improve your time on each one?
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3 times table quick quiz worksheet

3 times table quick quiz

Have your child complete this multiple-choice quiz about the 3 times table by colouring in the stars with the correct answers.
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3 times table number sentences worksheet

3 times table number sentences

Each of these 3 times table number sentences is missing something - have your child write in the correct number in the moon crater.
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3 times table matching challenge worksheet

3 times table matching challenge

This matching game is a great way to help your child start to memorise the 3 times table.
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Find multiples of 3 worksheet

Find multiples of 3

Colour in the eyes of the aliens holding numbers that are multiples of 3 - a great way to test how well your child knows the 3 times table!
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4 times table practice drill worksheet

4 times table practice drill

Work through the 4 times table in order on the left of this worksheet, then solve jumbled up number sentences on the right. Check your answers when you've finished.
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Spot the wrong answers 4 times table worksheet

Spot the wrong answers: 4 times table

It looks like someone's done this worksheet for you, but they've got some of the answers wrong. Can you spot which 4 times table number sentences are correct and incorrect?
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Find multiples of 4 worksheet

Find multiples of 4

Which of the numbers on this worksheet are multiples of 4? See how quickly you can find all of them!
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4 times table speed grids worksheet

4 times table speed grids

Think you know the 4 times table? See how quickly you can multiply each number in these speed grids by 4!
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4 times table quick quiz worksheet

4 times table quick quiz

Colour in the star with the correct answer to the 4 times table number sentences on this worksheet.
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4 times table number sentences worksheet

4 times table number sentences

All of these number sentences are from the 4 times table, but something's missing from each one. Can you fill in the craters with the right answer?
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4 times table matching challenge worksheet

4 times table matching challenge

Help the aliens find their spaceships by matching the correct answers to number sentences from the 4 times table.
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5 times table speed grids worksheet

5 times table speed grids

Have your child multiply each number in the first grid by 5. Then, work through the rest of the grids, trying to finish each quicker than the previous one!
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5 times table quick quiz worksheet

5 times table quick quiz

Have your child colour in the stars showing the correct answer to these number sentences from the 5 times table.
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5 times table number sentences worksheet

5 times table number sentences

Can you work out what's missing from these number sentences? Write your answers in the craters.
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5 times table matching challenge worksheet

5 times table matching challenge

These spaceships have lost their aliens! Reunite the pairs by matching the correct answers to number sentences from the 5 times table.
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Find multiples of 5 worksheet

Find multiples of 5

Each of these aliens are showing a number, but can you spot which ones are multiples of 5?
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5 times table practice drill worksheet

5 times table practice drill

Use this colourful worksheet and helpful answer key to help your child memorise the 5 times table.
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Spot the wrong answers: 5 times table worksheet

Spot the wrong answers: 5 times table

The answers to these 5 times table number sentences have been filled in, but not all of them are correct! Have your child mark which ones are right, and which are wrong.
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