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Numbers and counting worksheets

Adding positive and negative numbers worksheet

Adding positive and negative numbers

Here are some simple rules that will help you to add positive and negative numbers. Try applying these rules to add these positive and negative numbers.
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Adding and subtracting negative numbers puzzle

Adding and subtracting negative numbers puzzle

Can you fill in the missing numbers to make each puzzle correct? Take care with the negative numbers!
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Understanding doubling worksheet

Understanding doubling

When each of these caterpillars turns into a butterfly the number of spots it has doubles. Can you match up these caterpillars with their butterflies?
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Reception problem-solving worksheet

Reception problem-solving

Four children have put some of their marbles into a dish. They each have different-coloured marbles. Using these clues, can you work out who has which colour marbles?
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Partitioning mini maze

Partitioning mini maze

Follow the clues to help the pirate through the maze to the treasure using your partitioning skills.
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Number recognition and counting to 10

Number recognition and counting to 10

These five children each have a bag of marbles but the bags have been muddled up. Can you help them to find the right bags?
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Number bonds to 20 crossword

Number bonds to 20 crossword

Colour the pairs of numbers that make 20 in the same colour. Try to use a different colour for each pair. What do you notice? Now use these bonds to find the answers to the crossword.
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Number bonds to 20 racing game

Number bonds to 20 racing game

This game is designed to support your child’s understanding of number bonds to 20 (pairs of numbers that make 20). Ready, steady, go...!
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Number bonds to 10 racing game

Number bonds to 10 racing game

This game is designed to support your child’s understanding of number bonds to 10 (pairs of numbers that make 10).
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Five in a row: numbers 7-12

Five in a row: numbers 7-12

Help your child to count the spots accurately and then find the correct number on the game board.
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Five in a row: numbers 1-6

Five in a row: numbers 1-6

This game is designed to support early number recognition and counting skills. Help your child to count the spots accurately and then find the correct number on the game board.
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Counting to 10 practice

Counting to 10 practice

These children want to put their marbles in order, starting with the person who has the smallest number and ending with the person who has the most marbles.
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Roman numerals dice

Roman numerals dice

Use these free Roman numerals dice (six-sided and ten-sided) to help your child learn to recognise Roman numerals and practise using them in games.
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Number sequence puzzles

Number sequence puzzles

Can you solve these sequence puzzles? Once you’ve understood how they work, write your own number sequence puzzles and get an adult to solve them. How tricky can you make them?
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Solving algebra problems worksheet

Solving algebra problems

In algebra we use letters to represent numbers that we don’t know the value of. A string of numbers and letters joined together by mathematical operations such as + and - is called an algebraic expression. Try the following algebra problems.
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Using related calculations worksheet

Using related calculations

If you know that 28 x 16 = 448 you can quickly find the answers to lots of similar calculations. Draw a line from each calculation to the correct answer.
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Using BODMAS to solve calculations worksheet

Using BODMAS to solve calculations

Do you know what BODMAS stands for? BODMAS tells us the order we need to complete operations in. If there is a bracket work out the result of the operation inside it first then do division then multiplication and finally do any addition and subtraction. Put your knowledge of BODMAS into practice by having a go at these calculations.
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Think-of-a-number puzzles

Think-of-a-number puzzles

Here are some tricky “think of a number” puzzles. Can you solve them?
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Simple algebra problems worksheet

Simple algebra problems

Find the missing numbers and calculate the value of x in these simple algebra questions. Remember to use BODMAS to answer these KS2 algebra problems!
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Mean, median, mode and range puzzles

Mean, median, mode and range puzzles

Use your knowledge of how to find the mean, median, mode and range to solve these problems.
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