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Physical processes worksheets

Make a planet fact pack

Make a planet fact pack

Look at these pictures of the different planets and the sun in our solar system. What information can you remember about each one? Do you know any interesting facts about each planet? If not, can you use books, talking to people or your online research skills to find out an interesting fact for each? Record your fact below each one.
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Magnets investigation worksheet

Magnets investigation

Magnets come in all shapes and sizes; they also vary in strength. This experiment will test the magnetic force of a variety of different magnets.
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Magnetism explained worksheet

Magnetism explained

How do you find your way around? Do you use maps? A satellite navigation system? Could you use a compass to direct you instead? A compass works using magnetism – the needle in the compass points
towards the magnetic north. This helps us to find our way around. In this activity you are going to make your own simple compass!
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Magnetic maze worksheet

Magnetic maze

Mix some paper clips up with some rice and put them in a closed, see-through plastic container. Using a magnet, how long does it take you to separate the paper clips from the rice without opening the container? Now set up a maze made of cardboard. Can you guide a magnetic ball or marble through the maze from the outside of box, using your magnet?
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Magnetic magic trick

Magnetic magic trick

Find a glass jar. Put a selection of magnetic and non-magnetic materials inside. Close the jar and then, using your magnet, see if you can separate the magnetic materials without opening the jar.
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Light and shadows true or false worksheet

Light and shadows true or false

Look at these statements about light and shadows. Can you sort them into those that are true and those that are false?
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Kitchen-roll instrument worksheet

Kitchen-roll instrument

We’re going to be playing with our voice sounds and muffling them using a kitchen roll. Make different sounds into the tube (ring a bell, clap, whistle, rattle some keys). Blindfold the person who is listening and ask them to guess what sounds you are making.
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Investigation: will it dissolve?

Investigation: will it dissolve?

When we add some solids to water (or other liquids), they dissolve. Try this simple experiment to see which household solids will dissolve and which won’t.
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Investigating temperature worksheet

Investigating temperature

This activity is designed to help you learn that different places around your home will be different temperatures and also to help you to practise reading scales on a thermometer.
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Investigate shadows worksheet

Investigate shadows

Be a shadow detective! Place an object outside and record how the height and width of the shadow cast by the object changes throughout the day. Record them on this sheet.
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How cool are you investigation

How cool are you?

Go for a hunt around your house and find which places are the warmest and which are the coolest. Write the names of each place on these cards, or can you draw a picture showing the place? Can you put the cards in order from the warmest to the coolest place?
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Gases everywhere worksheet

Gases everywhere

Can you use your knowledge of gases and research skills to find out how each gas is being used? Record your notes next to each picture.
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Freezing and melting worksheet

Freezing and melting

Look at the cards and diagram. Can you complete the diagram to show the reversible changes of freezing and melting? Don’t forget to label the states of water too!
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Food experiment: reversible and irreversible changes

Food experiment: reversible and irreversible changes

Ask an adult to help you conduct this simple experiment into reversible and irreversible changes. Heat each of these food items and see if the change is reversible or irreversible when the item cools.
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Fatty foods investigation

Fatty foods investigation

Ask an adult to help you select different foods that you think may contain more fat than others. Carefully rub each food in turn in one of the circles. Label each circle so that you can see which food was in which circle. Leave the paper to dry. When dry hold it up to the light. You should be able to see which foods contained more oil and fat as this will be left on the paper!
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Examples of evaporation worksheet

Examples of evaporation

Evaporation happens all around us. Can you describe what is happening in these pictures? What conditions can make this change happen? What other examples of evaporation can you think of?
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Evaporation and condensation investigation

Evaporation and condensation

Look at the cards and diagram. Can you complete the diagram to show the reversible changes of condensation and evaporation?
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Electricity in our homes

Electricity in our homes

Choose a room in your house and find all the things that use electricity to make them work. Can you find and draw the electricity source (the plug, switch or battery)? Remember: things that run off batteries also use electricity! If you are drawing light switches, add lines to show the wires which must run up to the light to make it work (even if they are hidden)
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Drawing circuit diagrams

Drawing circuit diagrams

Look at these cards. Can you draw circuit diagrams using the correct symbols to match these descriptions?
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Create your own electrical warning sign

Create your own electrical warning sign

Look at electrical warning signs. What do you think they are trying to tell us? Now create your own electricity warning sign.
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