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Spelling worksheets

Find the phoneme worksheet

Find the phoneme (Phase 5 phonics)

A Phase 5 phonics worksheet to help children understand how to use the correct phoneme / grapheme.
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Ways of learning tricky words worksheet

Ways of learning tricky words

This worksheet gives suggestions on how to memorise the spelling of the word 'thought'. The strategies here could be applied to other tricky words.
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Spelling the word 'February' worksheet

Spelling the word 'February'

This worksheet gives ideas on how to help your child learn the word 'February'. The same activity could be applied to various other difficult words.
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Tricky words practice worksheet

Tricky words practice

This worksheet lists incomplete sentences which need to be completed by choosing from the list of tricky words at the bottom.
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Tricky spellings: words ending in or worksheet

Tricky spellings: words ending in or

This worksheet lists words ending in ‘or’ that, when spoken, make the ‘er’ sound. Children need to choose the correct word to complete the sentence.
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Tricky spellings: words ending ar and ure worksheet

Tricky spellings: words ending ar and ure

This worksheet lists words that end ‘ar’ or ‘ure’. Children need to cut them up and then arrange them into the ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’ boxes.
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Tricky spellings: words ending in al worksheet

Tricky spellings: words ending in al

This worksheet lists words that are tricky to spell ending in ‘al’. Children need to cut up the words and definitions and then match them up.
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Tricky spellings words containing 'ph' worksheet

Tricky spellings: words containing ph

Children need to cut out the words and then sort them into ‘correct’ and ‘incorrect’ piles. The words should all contain ‘ph’.
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Tricky spelling words containing 'ence' worksheet

Tricky spellings: words containing ence

A list of words ending ‘ence’ with muddled-up definitions. Children need to read the definitions and then match them to the right word.
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Tricky spellings: words containing 'our' worksheet

Tricky spellings: words containing our

A list of sentences with words missing. Children need to choose from the list of words containing ‘our’ in order to complete the sentences.
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Tricky spellings: more words containing 'our' worksheet

Tricky spellings: more words containing our

This worksheet gives a list of words that should be spelt with ‘our’. Some are spelled correctly and some are not. Children are encouraged to look for the words that are not spelled correctly and then correct them.
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Spelling tricky words Y6 worksheet

Spelling tricky words Y6

This worksheet involves a list of words with tricky spellings. Children need to cut out the cards and match the words to their definitions. They are then encouraged to practise spelling the words.
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Alphabetical order worksheet

Alphabetical order

Encourage your child to put these words with tricky spellings into alphabetical order.
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Using unstressed vowel words worksheet

Using unstressed vowel words

Your child needs to read the incomplete sentences and then choose a word from the list at the bottom to complete it. Each word in the list contains an unstressed vowel.
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Suffixes worksheet


This worksheet includes words with suffixes which have been divided into two halves. Children need to cut these cards up and then arrange them back into whole words.
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Spelling unstressed vowel words worksheet

Spelling unstressed vowel words

A list of words that contain unstressed vowels. Children are asked to identify the vowel that is not heard clearly when the word is spoken.
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Spelling patterns: The prefix con- worksheet

Spelling patterns: The prefix con-

Words with the prefix con- and their definitions have been muddled up. Encourage your child to read them and then draw lines matching them up.
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Spelling patterns: numerical prefixes worksheet

Spelling patterns: numerical prefixes

Cards for children to cut out and re-arrange so that they have made various words with numerical prefixes.
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Forming words with prefixes worksheet

Forming words with prefixes

Sentences with gaps that need to be filled by words with prefixes. Children are encouraged to think about which prefixes have been used to form the words.
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Building words with prefixes worksheet

Building words with prefixes

A list of words with various prefixes. Children are encouraged to find out the definition of these words using a dictionary or from their own knowledge.
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