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Subtraction worksheets

Y3 problem-solving: all four operations worksheet

Y3 problem-solving: all four operations

Look at these problems and think about whether you need to add, subtract, multiply or divide. Can you write out the calculation? `draw diagrams if you get stuck.
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Using the inverse operation worksheet

Using the inverse operation

Mark has worked out the answers to these calculations, Look through and estimate what you think the answers should be. Afterwards, use a calculator to check whether Mark’s answers were correct.
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Subtracting three-digit numbers on a number line worksheet

Subtracting three-digit numbers on a number line

When subtracting it is sometimes helpful to think of the DIFFERENCE between the smaller number and the larger number. You can work this out on a number line. Try using a number line to work out these questions.
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Quick addition and subtraction worksheet

Quick addition and subtraction

Set a stopwatch and time yourself working out the first set of ten number sentences. Now time yourself doing the next set. Did you beat your first time? See if you can get faster doing the third and fourth
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Addition and subtraction facts practice worksheet

Addition and subtraction facts practice

How quickly can you finish this sheet of addition and subtraction calculations? Ready, steady, go...
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Using a number line 0-20: subtraction worksheet

Using a number line 0-20: subtraction

Can you use this slithery number line to help you solve these subtraction problems?
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Using the correct calculation worksheet

Using the correct calculation

Work out what these problems are asking you to do. Then write the calculation and work it out!
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Subtraction: counting back worksheet

Subtraction: counting back

How good are you at counting backwards? Put the number Milly is holding in your head then count back. Write the number you get to in the box.
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Mental addition and subtraction game worksheet

All in my head mental addition and subtraction game

This is a challenging game to help you practise adding and subtracting without writing down.
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Know your number facts speed quiz worksheet

Know your number facts speed quiz

Ask a grown-up to time how long it takes you to say the answer to these questions. Then write some questions yourself and test an adult!
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Double or half number card game worksheet

Double or half number card game

Turn the cards face down on the table. Players must take turns picking up a number card and a word card, complete the calculation it suggests and write the answer. The winner is the player who writes the most correct answers after five turns.
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Cool Maths Games for kids learning pack

Cool maths games for kids

Add an extra learning dimension to family game time – try one of our Cool Maths board games and help reinforce your child's knowledge of number bonds, percentages and fractions while you play. Compiled by deputy headteacher Matt Revill and packed with 20 games, this maths learning pack covers all the key skills your child will need to master as part of the primary numeracy curriculum.
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Money word problems: Subtraction worksheet

Money word problems: Subtraction

Work out the answers to these money word problems by using subtraction
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Setting out and solving column addition problems worksheet

Setting out and solving column addition problems

This worksheet involves real-life word problems that need to be solved using column addition. All the numbers used have three or four digits.
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Subtracting negative numbers worksheet

Subtracting negative numbers

Practise subtracting negative numbers with a Year 6 worksheet.
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Simple subtraction practice worksheet

Simple subtraction practice

Simple subtraction practice for Reception children. Each story problem asks them to take away one and work out how many objects are left.
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Subtraction with a number line worksheet

Subtraction with a number line

As your child gets to grips with number lines in Reception and Y1, help them try some basic calculations. This worksheet offers some subtraction problems to solve using a number line.
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Take away one worksheet

Take away one

Help your child visualise and understand subtraction (or taking away). This worksheet uses pictures to make the concept clearer.
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Add and subtract numbers in your head

Add and subtract numbers in your head

This maths game will help your child to practise adding and subtracting numbers in their head. It is suitable for Key Stage 1 pupils.
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Add and subtract numbers game

Add and subtract numbers game

This maths problem will help your child to practise adding and subtracting numbers mentally.
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