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Word puzzles worksheets

Spot apostrophe mistakes worksheet

Spot apostrophe mistakes

Ten words in this short story use apostrophes incorrectly. Identify them then find the words in the wordsearch.
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Irregular past tense verbs wordsearch

Irregular past tense verbs wordsearch

A fun and free activity created by an experienced teacher with the aim of teaching KS2 children about irregular past tense verbs. Each of the sentences on the worksheet includes an incorrect past-tense verb. Circle the incorrect verb and then find the correct form of the verb in the wordsearch.
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WordMaths: synonyms puzzle

WordMaths: synonyms

The words in this puzzle all correspond to a number. Take the letters in the grid and do the maths to decipher the new word. The two words will be synonyms (they have the same meaning). If the letter in the new word is the same as the letter in the first word, there will be no maths to do.
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Word split: compound words puzzle

Word split: compound words

A mix and match puzzle created by teachers, using compound words, to support primary school literacy and demonstrate examples of compound words.
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Word speed challenge

Word speed challenge

Print off a copy of the challenge sheet for every person. Who can fill the grid with nouns, verbs and adjectives the fastest?
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Word colouring: nouns and pronouns

Word colouring: nouns and pronouns

Colour the squares with nouns in green. Colour the squares with pronouns in brown. Leave the blank squares empty, then work out what the picture is.
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Square words wordsearch

Square words wordsearch

Can you find all these Goldilocks-themed words in the wordsearch?
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Prepositions x-words

Prepositions x-words

Prepositions are linking words in a sentence, used to explain where things are in time or space. Can you place the words in the rows so that the green letters going diagonally spell a preposition from top to bottom?
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Mini word Sudoku

Mini word Sudoku 4 x 4

Put the letters from the word EASY in the squares so that each column, row, and mini-grid contains all the letters that make up the word.
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Mini word Sudoku

Mini word Sudoku 6 x 6

Put the letters from the word GRUMPY in the squares so that each column, row, and mini-grid contains all the letters that make up the word.
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Letters and words puzzle

Letters and words puzzle

Can you rearrange these letters to find the word solution to each clue?
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Double letter: opposites puzzle

Double letter: opposites

Cross out the letters that are in the grid twice. The letters that are left will spell two words that are opposites.
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Choose the correct homophone puzzle

Choose the correct homophone

Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings. Some homophones are pronounced the same way but are spelled differently. In this story, some words have the
wrong spelling. Can you replace them with the correct homophone?
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Rhyming words: creatures word puzzle

Rhyming words: creatures word puzzle

Practise your rhyming and spelling skills by thinking of names of animals that rhyme with each of these words. There could be more than one answer... how many can you identify?
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String of words puzzle

String of words puzzle

A Lewis Carroll quote is hidden inside the puzzle grid. All the words are in one string, starting with the letter in the purple square and ending in the square with the full stop. Put your pencil on the purple square and go forwards or backwards, up or down, (but not diagonally), until you find the string of words.
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Split words: colours

Split words: colours

Four names of colours have been split in half. Can you find the matching parts to see what they are?
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Preposition split

Preposition split

Cut out these cards. The pink ones are the first part of a preposition, the green ones are the second part. Can you mix and match the cards to make 10 different prepositions?
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Missing words: nouns

Missing words: nouns

Spot the nouns then place the missing nouns in the correct place in the story.
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Find the rainbow colours

Find the rainbow colours

There are seven colours in the rainbow. Can you match the first part of each word to the second part to form the names of the colours, then colour in the rainbow below?
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DownWords: find the jobs

DownWords: find the jobs

Lots of different professions have been hidden in these puzzle grids. Each one starts on the top line and works down in a line to the bottom. The line goes downwards or diagonally. Can you find the job names?
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