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Year 4 worksheets

Using collective nouns worksheet

Using collective nouns

A collective noun is a noun used to refer to a group of things. For each green collective noun below, there are two purple nouns that could go with them. Can you cut out all the cards and match them up?
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Expanding noun phrases worksheet

Expanding noun phrases

A noun phrase is a group of words that act in the same way as a noun. Expand these noun phrases by filling the gaps with interesting, powerful words to make the sentences more descriptive.
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Adverbial phrases in sentences worksheet

Adverbial phrases in sentences

Adverbial phrases at the start of a sentence are called fronted adverbials. Cut out these sentence starters and see if you can match them with the correct adverbial phrases.
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Understanding alliteration worksheet

Understanding alliteration

Alliteration is the repetition of an initial letter or sound in closely connected words. Cut out the words in the table and sort them so that they are in groups according to their first letter. Now see if you can work out where they go in these sentences.
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The active and passive voice worksheet

The active and passive voice

Use these groups of words to write three of your own active sentences. Then use these words to write three of your own passive sentences.
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Subject and object in a sentence worksheet

Subject and object in a sentence

Most sentences have a subject (the thing or person the sentence is about), a verb (a doing word) and an object (something that is having something done to it by the subject). Can you find appropriate subjects, verbs and objects in the table below to fill in these sentence gaps? Then underline the subject in green, the verb in purple and the object in orange.
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Identifying concrete and abstract nouns worksheet

Identifying concrete and abstract nouns

Read the following sentences. Underline the concrete nouns in blue and the abstract nouns in red.
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Active and passive sentences worksheet

Active and passive sentences

Cut out these sentences and arrange them into two groups, active and passive.
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12 times table timed test

12 times table timed test

Ready, steady... time yourself completing these multiplication number sentences. Aim to finish the sheet in less than 4 minutes!
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11 times table timed test

11 times table timed test

Ready, steady... time yourself completing these multiplication number sentences. Aim to finish the sheet in less than 4 minutes!
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9 times table timed test

9 times table timed test

Ready, steady... time yourself completing these multiplication number sentences. Aim to finish the sheet in less than 4 minutes!
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7 times table timed test

7 times table timed test

Ready, steady... time yourself completing these multiplication number sentences. Aim to finish the sheet in less than 4 minutes!
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6 times table timed test

6 times table timed test

Ready, steady... time yourself completing these multiplication number sentences. Aim to finish the sheet in less than 4 minutes!
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Y4 times tables timed test

Y4 times tables timed test

Are you ready to practise your 6x, 7x, 9x, 11x and 12x tables? Ask someone to time you with a stopwatch and try to finish in 4 minutes or less!
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Ruler and protractor to download

Protractor and rulers to download

No protractor or ruler in the house? Don't panic about completing the homework, just download our printable protractor and rulers.
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Time intervals: 12-hour and 24-hour clock

Time intervals: 12-hour and 24-hour clock

Can you solve these time interval word problems? Use this timeline to help you (or cover it up if you're able to answer the questions without it).
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Spelling patterns: words ending -que / -gue worksheet

Spelling patterns: words ending -que / -gue

In words like antique and catalogue the letters ‘que’ make the /k/ sound and the letters ‘gue’ make a /g/ sound. Look at the clues on the left and then enter what you think is the correct word (from the group above) into the code grids below. At the end, see if you can work out the mystery word using the codes.
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Spelling patterns: words containing ‘ch’ as a /sh/ sound

Spelling patterns: words containing ‘ch’ as a /sh/ sound

All these words contain the letters ‘ch’ but they make the sound /sh/. Each of these words fits with a clue in the crossword below. Can you work out where all the words go to solve the puzzle?
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Spelling patterns: the prefix super- worksheet

Spelling patterns: the prefix super-

Underline all the words with the prefix super- you can find in the passage. Then write each word in the column on the left. Now look up the word’s meaning in a dictionary and write it in the column on the right.
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Optional SATs papers: Year 4 English 2006

Optional SATs papers: Y4 English 2006

At the end of Y4 your child may take "optional" SATs to help the teacher assess their progress and achievement. This Y4 English SATs paper from 2006 is free to download and may help your child practise and revise at home.
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