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Taken as one recurring payment
of £66 for 12 months.

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Three year


Taken as a one-off payment of £99
for 3 years' continuous subscription.

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FREE for 14 days. We'll send a reminder when your free trial is coming to an end, so you won't get charged without knowing.
Cancel anytime.

Here's how your free trial works

Sign up risk free

You’ll have access to all our
subscriber-only resources for 14 days
‐ free of charge.

Give us a go!

Dive in and start using our resources and, if you love what you see, do nothing and your subscription will start after 14 days.

Cancel anytime

If you decide a subscription isn’t right for you, cancel with one click and no payment will be taken. Plus, everything you’ve downloaded is yours to keep!

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Remember: You can cancel at any time during your trial
and pay nothing further.


How do I cancel my free trial?

If you decide you don't want to continue to a full subscription at the end of the 14-day trial, there are two easy options to cancel. Either email [email protected] and our customer service team will cancel your trial for you, or log into your account on our subscriber portal (you will be emailed login details for the portal once your trial starts) and cancel your agreement directly.

Are there any other subscription packages?

We offer a monthly subscription at £5.99/month or an annual subscription at £66/year. These subscriptions recur until you cancel them. We also offer a non-recurring, 3-year subscription for £99 and a 7-year School Lifetime Subscription for £150. Find out more.

How can I contact you?

You can email our customer service team on [email protected] at any time. Find out more.
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