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Multiplication problems using long multiplication

Multiplication problems using long multiplication worksheet
A Year 6 maths worksheet created by an experienced teacher to help your child practise using the long multiplication method.
Keystage:  KS2, Year 6, 11 Plus

How do you do long multiplication in KS2?

Long multiplication, also known as column multiplication, is a method where numbers, typically a two- or three-digit number, are multiplied by another larger number in a written format.

Here's a simple overview of the steps for long multiplication:

  1. Write the numbers one on top of the other, aligning them on the right.
  2. Multiply each digit of the bottom number by each digit of the top number, starting from the right.
  3. Write the results below the line, shifting each result one place to the left for each digit in the bottom number.
  4. Add up all the numbers to get the final answer.

What is an example of long multiplication? 

Here is a visual example of long multiplication: 

example of long multiplication

You can see that we have multiplied each digit of the bottom number (22 by each digit of the top number (4234), starting from the right. 

The smaller numbers underneath the final answer represent the tens digits that needed to be carried over to the next part of the sum. For instance, 6 + 8 = 14. The ten (1) was carried across and the unit (4) remains in the final answer. 

What age do children learn long multiplication? 

Typically introduced in Year 5 and Year 6, long multiplication becomes prominent once children are familiar with the grid method. The grid method aids in reinforcing the understanding of place value and the multiplication of multiples of ten and one hundred.

Once your child has grasped these concepts, long multiplication will be taught to them as a swifter and more efficient technique. 

For more support with KS2 maths, check out our hub page, or try a new challenge such as this Long multiplication worksheet for Year 6.

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