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Short division practice worksheet

Short division practice

Look through this step-by-step reminder of how to use the short division method and then see if you can answer these questions.
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Positioning hundredths on a number line worksheet

Positioning hundredths on a number line

Each of the following number lines go up in hundredths (so each division = 1/100 or 0.01). Look at the following number lines. Write the decimal numbers that the arrows are pointing to in the boxes.
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Positioning decimals on a number line: tenths worksheet

Positioning decimals on a number line: tenths

These number lines are going up in tenths. Can you add in all the missing decimals on these number lines?
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Positioning decimals on a number line: hundredths worksheet

Positioning decimals on a number line: hundredths

Each of the following number lines go up in hundredths (so each division = 1/100 or 0.01). Write these decimals in the correct places on this number line.
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Ordering decimals by relating them to money worksheet

Ordering decimals by relating them to money

When ordering decimals it can really help to imagine them as pounds and pence. Look at these sets of decimals. Can you order them from smallest to largest?
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Long multiplication word problems: multiplying four-digit and two-digit numbers

Long multiplication word problems: multiplying four-digit and two-digit numbers

Work out the answers to these problems by using the long multiplication method. Remember to set out your working neatly and line the digits up carefully so that you don’t get muddled.
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Long multiplication practice worksheet

Long multiplication practice

Can you use the long multiplication method to solve these problems?
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Fraction and decimal equivalents worksheet

Fraction and decimal equivalents

We can write the same number as a fraction or as a decimal. Look at all the fractions in the left-hand column and write their decimal equivalents, then do the same for the fractions in the right-hand column.
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Equivalent fractions and decimals worksheet

Equivalent fractions and decimals

Each row of this table tells you how many units, tenths and hundredths a number is made up of. Look at each row and work out how to represent each number as a decimal in the blank box provided. The units, tenths and hundredths will not always be given in order.
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Dividing numbers using short division worksheet

Dividing numbers using short division

Here's a quick method to divide a four-digit number by a one-digit number. Can you use it to answer these sums?
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Decimal and fraction equivalence worksheet

Decimal and fraction equivalence

The same mathematical quantities can be represented as fractions or decimals. Can you match these decimal cards with their equivalent fractions?
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Decimal and fraction equivalence racing game

Decimal and fraction equivalence racing game

Test your decimal and fraction knowledge with this speedy game. On your marks...
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Convert units of measurement worksheet

Convert units of measurement

Look at the measurements in the left-hand column. Can you convert them into the units of measurement given in the right-hand column?
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Comparing decimals and fractions worksheet

Comparing decimals and fractions

Look at these pairs of decimals and fractions. Can you circle the largest one in each pair?
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Bridging through 20: addition worksheet

Bridging through 20: addition

When we add a two-digit number and a one-digit number, it can be helpful to use the bridging method (it will help you do similar sums in your head). Can you use this method to work out these sums?
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Bridging through tens: subtraction worksheet

Bridging through tens: subtraction

When you subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number, it can be helpful to use the bridging method as it will help you to do similar subtractions in your head. Can you use this method to answer these sums?
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Bridging through 10: addition worksheet

Bridging through 10: addition

When we add two one-digit numbers where the answer is more than ten, it can be helpful to use the bridging method. Can you use this method to answer these questions?
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Bridging through 30: addition worksheet

Bridging through 30: addition

When we add a two-digit number and a one-digit number, it can be helpful to use the ‘bridging’ method. Can you use this method to work out these sums?
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Bridging through 10: subtraction worksheet

Bridging through 10: subtraction

When we subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number, it can be helpful to use the ‘bridging’ method. Can you use this method to work out these sums?
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An introduction to short division worksheet

An introduction to short division

Do you know how to do short division? Here's a quick method to try...
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