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Incomplete number sentences worksheet

Incomplete number sentences

Can you work out which numbers should go in the empty stars?
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Expanded noun phrases explained worksheet

Expanded noun phrases explained

A noun phrase is a group of words that act in the same way as a noun. Can you rewrite these sentences using expanded noun phrases containing adjectives, or to tell readers something about place or time? Then rewrite these sentences using expanded noun phrases that use superlatives, or that mention a person.
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Definite and indefinite articles worksheet

Definite and indefinite articles

Usually nouns have an article before them. Look at these paragraphs. Underline all the definite articles in blue and all the indefinite articles in red.
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Clauses in a sentence worksheet

Clauses in a sentence

When we talk about clauses in a sentence, we mean their parts. Clauses always have a noun and a verb in them and are often linked by a connective. These sentences each have two clauses with a comma or connective between them. Underline each of the separate clauses.
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Volume of cubes and cuboids worksheet

Volume of cubes and cuboids

The volume of a cube / cuboid = length x height x width. Look at the following shape pairs and estimate which has the bigger volume. Work out the volume with the formula; were you right?
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Using brackets in calculations

Using brackets in calculations

If a number sentence has brackets in it, you need to do the operation in brackets first. Work out the following, remembering to do the operations in brackets first (some of these have negative answers!).
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Turning fractions into decimals worksheet

Turning fractions into decimals

To turn a fraction into a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. See if you can work out what the decimal equivalents to these fractions are. Do this in your head! Then try the next set; they are harder so you will need to use a calculator. Remember, you need to divide the numerator by the denominator. Give your answer rounded to two decimal places.
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Semi-colons revision worksheet

Semi-colons revision

Semi-colons are used in a similar way to commas, but they mark a stronger division. Look at these sentences. Where do you think the semi-colon should go?
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Rounding to find approximate answers

Rounding to find approximate answers

When you have carried out a long calculation it is a good idea to check your result by finding an approximate answer in your head. Work out the answers to these questions using whatever method you feel comfortable with. Then check your answer by rounding the numbers up or down then finding an approximate answer in your head.
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Reducing ratios to their lowest terms

Reducing ratios to their lowest terms

To reduce a ratio to its simplest form, you need to find a factor that you could divide both numbers by. Simplify these ratios by dividing both numbers by the same factor.
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Reading comprehension: school uniform pros and cons

Reading comprehension: school uniform pros and cons

Does school uniform promote discipline and a sense of belonging, or is it an unimaginative tradition that should be scrapped? Two pupils argue each side of the case. Read their arguments then answer the questions.
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Reading and writing larger numbers

Reading and writing larger numbers

This table shows the place value of each of the digits of the large number above. Can you say the number above? Can you write it in words? Look at these numbers and put
the commas in where you think they should go. Say them out loud and then write them in words.
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Properties of prisms: parallel planes worksheet

Properties of prisms: parallel planes

A prism is a 3D shape with two identical ends and all flat sides. Its cross section is the same all along its length and always the same shape as its ends. The shape of the prism’s ends gives the prism its name (for example, the ends of a hexagonal prism are hexagons). Prisms have parallel planes, which means that they have faces that are parallel to each other (they always stay the same distance apart and will never meet).
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Pronouns explained worksheet

Pronouns explained

A pronoun is a word that is used to replace a noun. We use pronouns so that we don’t have to keep repeating a noun in our writing. Which nouns would you replace with pronouns in this passage?
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Probability word problems worksheet

Probability word problems

Can you answer these tricky probability word problems? Pencil at the ready...
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Perimeter and area compared

Perimeter and area compared

The perimeter is the distance all the way around the outside of a 2D shape. Area is the amount of space a surface takes up. We measure area in square units. Can you answer these questions (it may help you to draw these shapes on centimetre-squared paper)?
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Parts of a circle worksheet

Parts of a circle

Here is a picture of a circle. Its centre is marked with a red dot. Can you measure the circle’s radius, diameter and circumference?
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Multiplying using long multiplication

Multiplying using long multiplication

A quick way to multiply a three-digit number by a two-digit number is by using the long multiplication method. Here are some for you to try (there are some multiplications with four-digit numbers in here, but don’t worry, the method is still the same!). Use the boxes to help you set out your numbers correctly!
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Multiplying fractions worksheet

Multiplying fractions

When multiplying two fractions together, you quite simply multiply the numerators and then multiply the denominators. Work out the answers to these number sentences by multiplying both the numerators together and both the denominators together. Shade the diagram to show that you have found a fraction of a fraction.
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Matching root words, prefixes and suffixes worksheet

Matching root words, prefixes and suffixes

On the first page of this worksheet you’ll find twenty root words. They all make sense on their own, but they could all have either a prefix (a letter string that goes at the beginning of a word) or a suffix (a letter string that goes at the end of a word) added to them. On the second page you’ll find twenty prefixes and suffixes. You need to cut out all these cards and then work out which prefix or suffix goes with each root word. To make things harder, we are not telling you which are suffixes and which are prefixes!
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