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Simple words memory game

Simple words memory game
A free word game created by a teacher for Reception children to help them learn simple, common words for their age group.
Keystage:  EYFS, Reception


What words do children learn in Reception?

Children in Reception (typically aged 4-5 in the UK) learn a wide range of words across various categories to develop their language skills. 

These words often include:

High-frequency words
the, and, is, it, in, etc.

Basic vocabulary
dog, cat, ball, car, house, tree, etc.
And basic verbs like run, jump, eat, sleep, etc.

red, blue, green, yellow, orange, etc.

one, two, three, etc.
And possibly simple addition and subtraction terms.

circle, square, triangle, rectangle, etc.

Days of the week and months
Monday, Tuesday, January, February, etc.

happy, sad, angry, excited, etc.

How can you help your child learn these words at home?

Helping your Reception child learn words at home can be a fun and interactive process. Here are some tips:

Read together
Use everyday activities
Play word games 
Sing songs and nursery rhymes
Use flashcards or picture cards

How will this free word game help your Reception child?

This teacher-created activity is all about utulising your child's memory and engaging them in the learning process in a fun and simple way. 

Memory games can be highly beneficial for children learning words because they engage multiple aspects of cognitive development and reinforce vocabulary in a fun and interactive way.


For more support with Reception English, check out our hub page, or try a new challenge such as our Short vowel sounds worksheet.