8 dyslexia signs you should never ignore

Concerned about your child's progress at school? Familiarise yourself with the signs of dyslexia so you can get help for your child if they need it.
Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that affects around 10% of the population.
Knowing the signs is absolutely vital so that you can spot if your child is dyslexic and get them the help they need to ensure they don't slip behind at school, or get held back from succeeding in their adult life.
The key signs of dyslexia are:
- Not getting to grips with spelling
- Being unable to understand how sounds relate to letters
- Losing their place when reading
- Complaining that words are blurred or distorted
- Writing words with the correct letters but in the wrong order
- Finding it hard to learn sequences like the days of the week
- Being disorganised personally and with belongings
- Being unable to make sense of time or direction

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