English worksheets
Free worksheets: Word puzzles, KS2
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Word split: compound words
A mix and match puzzle created by teachers, using compound words, to support primary school literacy and demonstrate examples of compound words.
Word colouring: nouns and pronouns
Colour the squares with nouns in green. Colour the squares with pronouns in brown. Leave the blank squares empty, then work out what the picture is.
Irregular past tense verbs wordsearch
A fun and free activity created by an experienced teacher with the aim of teaching KS2 children about irregular past tense verbs. Each of the sentences on the worksheet includes an incorrect past-tense verb. Circle the incorrect verb and then find the correct form of the verb in the wordsearch.
Spelling patterns: the prefix cir-
Can you complete this mini-wordsearch? All the words you need start with the prefix circ- and are below. What do you think circ- means?
Write your own homonyms crossword puzzle
Homonyms are pairs of words that are spelled and pronounced the same way, but have different meanings. Look at these words. Can you work out the two different meanings?
If not, look them up in the dictionary. On the next page you’ll need to create TWO crossword puzzles where the homonyms are the answers. Each word will need two different clues, one for each meaning.
If not, look them up in the dictionary. On the next page you’ll need to create TWO crossword puzzles where the homonyms are the answers. Each word will need two different clues, one for each meaning.
Handwriting practice: Letter to Father Christmas
Use your KS2 child's Christmas letter to Father Christmas as a fun opportunity to practise handwriting. The layout has been done for them, now all they need to do is write their Christmas list, name and address and pop it in the post (find Santa's address on the Royal Mail website!). This is a great activity to help children consider how to form letters correctly and there's plenty of space to include wished-for items. Writing this letter will also help them understand that letters have a purpose and a particular audience.
Short vowel sounds worksheet
A short vowel sound is pronounced for a shorter time than a long vowel sound. For instance, in the word fat, the vowel 'a' is short, but in fate, it's long. Use this worksheet to practise short vowel sounds and consolidate your child's phonics learning at home.
Long vowel sounds 'a' and 'e'
A long vowel is pronounced for a longer time than a short vowel sound. In the word mat, the vowel 'a' is short, but in mate, it's long. Use this worksheet to practise the long vowel sounds 'a' and 'e' and consolidate your child's phonics learning at home.
Long vowel sounds 'i' and 'o'
Long vowels are vowel sounds that are pronounced for a longer time than short vowels. They can change the meaning of words. In the word bit, the vowel 'i' is short, but in bite, it's a long vowel sound. Use this worksheet to practice long vowel sounds 'i' and 'o' and consolidate your child's phonics learning at home.
Superstar Spelling Pack
Are you a Spelling Superstar? Test your abilities with this fun and challenging spelling pack. Practise high-frequency words, coding short and long vowels, contractions and homophones with these games and activities created by teacher and mum, Clare Winstanley.
Take your spelling to the next level, impress your classmates and boost your confidence with Superstar Spelling.
Take your spelling to the next level, impress your classmates and boost your confidence with Superstar Spelling.
Year 1 Phonics screening check 2023
The Y1 Phonics screening check is used to test children's reading and phonics skills and what they've learnt in their first two years at school. Get an idea of what your child will be asked to do in the June test by looking through the official past paper for 2023.
Key Stage 2 - 2023 English SATs Papers
Help your child prepare for the Year 6 English SATs, taken at the end of Key Stage 2, with some revision and at-home practice. These KS2 SATs past papers from 2023 are the official past papers from the Department for Education, used in schools.
Key Stage 1 - 2023 English SATs Papers
Help your child prepare for the English KS1 SATs, taken at the end of Year 2, with some at-home practice. These complete Y2 SATs past papers from 2023 are the official Department for Education papers used in schools.
Spelling list for Year 6
Here is a list of words that cover the spelling rules children are expected to learn by the end of Year 6. How many can you spell?
Spelling list for Year 5
Here is a list of words that cover the spelling rules children are expected to learn by the end of Year 5. How many can you spell?
Spelling list for Year 4
Here is a list of words that cover the spelling rules children are expected to learn by the end of Year 4. How many can you spell?
Year 3 spellings
Help your child excel in spelling with this handy collection of Year 3 spelling words created by an experienced teacher.
Spelling list for Year 2
Here is a list of words that cover the spelling rules children are expected to learn by the end of Year 2. How many can you spell?
Spelling list for Year 1
Here is a list of words that cover the spelling rules children are expected to learn by the end of Year 1. How many can you spell?
Spelling list for Reception
Here is a list of words that cover the spelling rules children are expected to learn by the end of Reception. How many can you spell?
Portrait and name writing
This portrait and peg activity will help you learn to read and spell your name and give you a fantastic opportunity to look at how wonderfully unique and special you are.
Initial sounds: i and n
Iggy the inchworm likes to collect all things that start with the same sound as his name – ‘i’. Use a pencil or crayon to match Iggy to all the things that begin with ‘i’.
Summer rhyming
Words rhyme when they sound the same at the end like dog and frog. Can you match the flags to the rhyming sandcastles?
Starting school practice: handwriting and numbers
Starting school is a very exciting time! Think about what you are excited about and practise some of the skills you have developed this year with this activity sheet.
Sunflower initial sound: s and t
Have you noticed that many words start with the same sound like sun, star, and slippers? Have a look at these object and see if you recongise the sounds they start with, then cut out the petals and see if you can match the sounds.