Gifted and talented and highly able children

We all think our children are amazing, but how do you know if your child is truly exceptional? Whether their school describes them as gifted and talented, more able, or of high learning potential, we explain what being "more able" means for your child.
This section of the site has lots of information and advice to help you spot the signs of a gifted learner, understand what it means to have a highly able child, find out how they might be provided for at school, and give you ideas for supporting high achievers at home.
We also explain more about how your highly able child might demonstrate excellence in different subjects, and what enrichment is.
Gifted and talented learning activities
Looking for some really original, exciting learning activities to try out at home? Our Gifted and talented pack presents 30 fascinating, involving projects to get stuck into, all linked to the national curriculum for 5- to 11-year-olds and designed to get your child (and you!) thinking, creating and loving learning.
Year group challenge learning packs
You'll find English and maths activities to challenge more able learners in TheSchoolRun's Challenge Packs. Each one is packed with puzzles and learning fun and designed to stretch your child and offer them the opportunity to explore their year-group topics in greater depth.
- Year 1 Maths Challenge Pack and Year 1 English Challenge Pack
- Year 2 Maths Challenge Pack and Year 2 English Challenge Pack
- Year 3 Maths Challenge Pack and Year 3 English Challenge Pack
- Year 4 Maths Challenge Pack and Year 4 English Challenge Pack
- Year 5 Maths Challenge Pack and Year 5 English Challenge Pack
- Year 6 Maths Challenge Pack and Year 6 English Challenge Pack