Year 5 English

Discover hundreds of Year 5 English worksheets, activities and games to help your child develop their interpretation and comprehension skills and introduce them to a wide range of material, such as stories from other cultures, older literature and poetry.
You’ll also find resources to support your child’s written work, as they focus on stories, plays and non-fiction, and start to experiment with styles and language, show a good understanding of grammar and punctuation and use joined-up handwriting.

Year 5 English Booster pack
From apostrophes to spelling mnemonics, prefixes to synonyms, the Year 5 English Booster pack is bursting with revision activities to help consolidate and build on your child's literacy learning. And there's plenty of cutting and sticking, word searching, thesaurus checking and script writing to be done along the way!

Year 5 English Learning Journey
The Year 5 English Learning Journey programme covers all the core areas of learning your child will be expected to master in English during Year 5. Work through the 40 worksheets that comprise each programme in order, or pick those that cover topics you know your child is struggling with, and by the end of the school year you can be sure your child's learning is on track.
Year 5 English Progress checks
Our Y5 English Progress checks, prepared by a KS2 teacher, have been written to help you understand where your child might need extra support and practice to help boost their confidence with literacy skills.
The tests cover spelling, grammar, punctuation, handwriting and text-level work.
Literacy Homework Helper
The Literacy Homework Helper eBook covers the ins and outs of reading, writing and spelling as they are taught in the primary national curriculum. Whether you are trying to help with a specific piece of homework, your child has a problem with a topic they’ve covered at school, or you just want to give an extra boost at home to their literacy learning, this resource is designed for you to be able to quickly find relevant information for you and practical ideas and activities to help your child from Reception to Year 6, under the three distinct umbrellas of reading, writing and spelling.