Times tables

At some stage during your child's primary school years you are going to find yourself testing them on the times tables. It doesn't have to be a chore though.
Make times tables learning easy and fun (yes really!)
In this section of the site you'll find lots of ideas from experts and parents on different times tables techniques and tools and and ways to learn times tables quickly, plus teacher-created maths times tables resources. We have tips and tricks for each times table as well as explanations of the times tables vocabulary you might hear, including arrays and number facts.
Then you can start to explore hundreds of fun and engaging resources for the 2-12 times tables. There are printable times tables worksheets and puzzles, interactive times tables games, matching challenges, speed grids, quick quizzes and more. And you'll find even more fantastic times tables games and activities in our Times Tables Funpack and Times Tables Practice Book and our popular eBook I know my times tables.
If your child is due to take the Multiplication Tables Check in Year 4, we have the latest information about the test format and scoring.
There is even a Times Tables Learning Journey which you can work through with your child.
Times tables practice book
Make times tables revision easy by downloading our 90-page times tables practice book. It covers all the tables from 2 to 12 and offers quizzes, speed challenges and more to help your child master this vital area of primary maths. Practice makes perfect!

Terrific Times Tables
Our Terrific Times Tables pack is full of ideas and tips to help your child learn – and even enjoy it! We share practical ideas for memorising all 12 sets, as well as tips to help make practice easy. Download your pack now to reinforce your child's learning with fun games and quizzes and print out achievement certificates to reward their effort.

Times Tables Funpack
Need some fun strategies to help your child's times tables stick? Our Times Tables Funpack offers puzzles and games galore. There are fairground ducks to hook, safe codes to decipher, dominoes to play with and more. Your child will be so busy puzzle-solving, they won't even realise they're putting their tables into practice.

Times Tables Learning Journey
The Times Table Learning Journey includes 56 colourful and fun worksheets and covers all the tables up to the 12 times table. So instead of getting your child to repeat each table over and over again, they could be playing a game of 6x table space bingo, take a 9x table quick quiz or try the 12x table matching challenge.
You can either start at the beginning with the 2x tables worksheets (even if your child has learned the early times tables, it can be useful to revise them from time to time), or you can go straight to the tables your child is currently learning.
The worksheets are presented in the same order that the times tables are taught at school and there are 5 different worksheets for each of the tables, so you can be sure that you've tackled each table thoroughly before you move on to the next one, and you can print the worksheets out as often as you need to make sure they haven't forgotten ones they've already learned.

I know my times tables
Every child (and parent) should master the times tables and know them off by heart. Loads of us struggle to remember times tables no matter how old we are, but the tips, rhymes and strategies in Matt Revill and Bernadette Strachan's book are a huge help towards teaching your child to memorise and understand the numbers and rules.
Year 4 times tables test
From 2020, all Y4 children in England will have their multiplication skills formally tested in the summer term.
We explain the format of the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) and have some online mock MTC practice tests to boost your child's confidence.