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Terrific Times Tables

Terrific Times Table cover
Our Terrific Times Tables pack is full of ideas and tips to help your child learn – and even enjoy it! We share practical ideas for memorising all 12 sets, as well as tips to help make practice easy. Download your pack now to reinforce your child's learning with fun games and quizzes and print out achievement certificates to reward their effort.

What you'll find in your Terrific Times Tables pack:

  • A maths teacher (and mum)'s guide to why the times tables are so important, and why your child needs to learn them today
  • Top 10 practical tips to help your child learn their times tables without fuss
  • Printable worksheets for each times tables set from 1 to 12, with cut-out-and-keep practice set – print as many times as you need!
  • Multiplication grid that your child will use time and time again
  • Three ‘race against the clock’ quizzes, plus answer sheet for you
  • ‘Times Tables Bingo’, complete with score cards – a family learning game you can play together
  • Five times tables games that take the learning out of the classroom
  • Printable certificates to award your child with

For times tables puzzles and games to make learning fun, download our Times Tables Funpack, and don't forget to browse through our 60+ times tables worksheets to offer your child extra practice.


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