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Times tables speed grid

Times tables speed grid activity
Use this blank grid, created by one of our experienced teachers, to make up your own times tables game! See how quickly you can multiply numbers across the top and left, filling the entire grid with answers.
Keystage:  KS2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6

What is a times tables speed grid? 

A times tables speed grid is like a fun game children can play to get better at multiplying numbers fast. It's basically a grid with rows and columns labeled with numbers from 1 to 12, which are the times tables. The aim is for kids to fill in the answers to the multiplication problems in the grid as quickly as they can. It's a great way to practise and improve multiplication skills while having a bit of fun with numbers!

How will this teacher-created times tables speed grid help my child?

This simple but highly effective speed grid will help your child in several ways: 

By completing the grid multiple times, children repeatedly encounter multiplication facts, reinforcing memory and retention of the times tables.

  • Speed grids challenge children to recall multiplication facts quickly and accurately. This helps improve their fluency with multiplication, allowing them to solve problems more efficiently.
  • The grid format visually organises multiplication facts, making it easier for children to recognise patterns and relationships between numbers.
  • The competitive element of completing the grid within a time limit can motivate children to engage with and master times tables. It turns learning into a game, which can make the process more enjoyable and rewarding.
  • Speed grids can be used to track children's progress over time. As they become faster and more accurate in completing the grids, they can see tangible evidence of their improvement, boosting their confidence and motivation further.

So, to start learning, simply download the worksheet and write in any one-digit number in the blue boxes, as demonstrated. The ‘x’ means your child multiplies those numbers, and works along each column and row, filling in the answers as they go. Once they've got the hang of it, try timing them and see if they can get faster. Print out several and have a go at different times tables. 

Expand your child's times tables knoweldge with our other resources, such as our Mixed times tables challenge.