TheSchoolRun tutorials

Looking for teacher tips to help your child learn times tables, a step-by-step guide to finding common multiples or factors or an explanation of how number bonds to 10 work? Our digital primary school teacher can help!
Introducing TheSchoolRun's interactive tutorials – interactive video guides to primary school topics and techniques.
We currently have more than 170 interactive tutorials suitable for different primary school years, and we’ve done everything to make sure you’ll love them! Teachers created the content, designers brought it to life, parents gave us feedback and kids tested everything for the essential fun factor.
Tutorials are available to TheSchoolRun subscribers only but here are three you can try for free, starting with Learning the 4 times table.
Click the play button below to try out a tutorial for free: Learning the 4 times table
How do TheSchoolRun's interactive tutorials work?
In each tutorial, our digital teacher explains the topic while providing school-approved methods for learning and remembering.
She then gives your child a chance to practise what they’ve learnt by completing on-screen, interactive activities.
It all helps to reinforce what they’ve been doing in school, and allows them to practise in their own time.
You can’t bring the teacher into your kitchen to explain a tricky topic, but this is the next best thing!
Not sure how to do long multiplication? Let our digital teacher talk you through the method below: Long multiplication interactive tutorial
Click the play button below to try out a tutorial for free: Long multiplication tutorial
Try tutorials out right away!
Sign up for a free 14-day trial today for immediate access to all our interactive tutorials. There are over 90 maths tutorials published so far (and we're adding more all the time), including long multiplication, multiplying pairs of fractions, finding ten percent of an amount, prime numbers, halves and quarters… and lots of other topics!
When you start your trial, you'll be asked to choose which of three subscription packages you'd like to go on to after the 14 days. But if you decide you don’t want the subscription to continue, you'll be able to cancel easily via our customer portal and you won’t get charged a penny more.
After you’ve subscribed, you’ll immediately be directed to a welcome page on the website, full of information on how to access the tutorials and everything else on the site.
If you're not completely sure how to find multiples, let our digital teacher show you the best method in the Finding multiples free interactive tutorial.