Year 2

Now your child is in Year 2, you'll want to help them leap ahead in their learning and confidence.
Make Year 2 work a breeze
We've got everything you need for Year 2 success. Covering Year 2 English, Year 2 maths and Year 2 science, you'll find explanations of all areas of Y2 learning as well as teacher-created worksheets covering year 2 core topics s grammar, times tables and handwriting. You'll also discover interactive tutorials and complete programmes that meet National Curriculum objectives for KS1. And if your school goes ahead with optional KS1 SATs, we've got information, past papers and a KS1 SATs Programme.
The final year of Key Stage 1 is an important one for your child, and you'll find yourself getting asked to explain tricky topics and help with homework. But with these fantastic Year 2 resources, supporting your child's learning will be stress-free and fun!

Year 2 English Booster pack and Year 2 Maths Booster pack
Our Year 2 English Booster pack covers all the main literacy topics your child will learn in Y2 – perfect to help your child prepare for KS1 SATs at the end of the school year or revise key concepts covered in Year 2 English. Writing 'Missing' posters for favourite toys, devising menus, reviewing books, filling story treasure chests, teaching aliens to brush their teeth and more – this learning pack is bursting with fun activities to boost literacy.
Whether you're revising for KS1 SATs or keeping your child's maths learning on track over the school year, our Year 2 Maths Booster pack covers all the main numeracy topics for Y2. Help them practise their skills with colourful worksheets - a daily session with pirates, sandcastles and wizards will consolidate multiplication, addition, rounding up, estimation and partitioning the fun way.
Year 2 English Learning Journey and Year 2 Maths Learning Journey
Discover a unique Learning Journey programme for Year 2 English and maths. Ther are 40 worksheets in the progamme, that cover all the key topics in the curriculum for Year 2. By following the programme, which closely mirrors what your child is being taught in school in Year 2, you’ll quickly be able to spot any topics that your child hasn't fully grasped and reinforce learning that is happening in the classroom at home. Your child will feel more confident in their own abilities and you’ll know you are giving your child the very best chance of succeeding in school.
Help your child prepare for Year 2 SATs
Explore the range of resources on TheSchoolRun to help your child get ready for the KS1 SATs at the end of Year 2:
- Free KS1 SATs past papers
- We have an exclusive set of KS1 SATs practice papers in both English and maths
- Your KS1 SATs questions answered
- KS1 SATs revision course
- Your guide to KS1 SATs success – a beginner's guide with activities to help your child prepare

Is your child's learning on track?
Number bonds, partitioning, 2D and 3D shapes and telling the time – all skills children master in KS1 and are tested on in Y2 SATs. Check your child's progress and understanding with our Y2 maths Progress checks, designed to help you spot any gaps in their knowledge so you can support them with extra practice and activities at home.
Working with phonemes to read and write, learning to spell high frequency words, using non-fiction texts and creating stories... literacy is demanding in Year 2. Check your child's progress and identify any areas they need extra practice in with our Y2 English Progress checks.

The Parents' Guide to Year 2 Maths
Number bonds... counting in ‘hops’... using grids and number lines... this is the norm for our kids, but it means very little to us. That's because maths lessons today take on a rather different form to those from our own school days. Forget tedious hours of solving endless sums; The Parents' Guide to Year 2 Maths, packed with great maths games and activities, will guide you through everything you need to know for maths in Year 2 and help your child towards KS1 SATs success.
Year 2 topic homework? The Homework Gnome is here to help!
For starters, you could find out more about: