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Key Stage 1 SATs Maths practice papers E

KS1 Maths practice paper set E TheSchoolRun
Number sequences, simple subtraction, lines of symmetry and shape recognition are just a few of the maths skills tested in the Key Stage 1 SATs. Help your child revise and prepare with our SATs-style practice paper (based on the pre-2016 SATs format).
Keystage:  KS1, Year 2

This maths SATs-style paper for Year 2 children is designed to help practise simple multiplication sentences, three-digit addition, symmetry, bar charts, Caroll diagrams and reading the time to the nearest half hour.

Since 2016, new SATs exams in English and maths have been administered to children in Year 2. These mock papers, available exclusively for TheSchoolRun subscribers, are based on the old SATs format, but can still be used to give your child valuable exam practice.

Answers to the paper are provided to help you mark it. You can also download our other mock practice paper for maths

For more information and advice about KS1 SATs head to our Year 2 SATs content area.

You can also follow a KS1 SATs Learning Journey, packed with worksheets and activities to help boost your child's confidence in the run-up to the Y2 maths and English assessments.


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