Key Stage 1 SATs Maths practice papers C
Help your child prepare for the Year 2 SATs by practising simple word problems, addition and subtraction, shape classification and rounding numbers to the nearest hundred. Answers are provided to help you mark the paper.
Since 2016, children in Year 2 have taken new SATs exams in English and maths. These mock papers, available exclusively for TheSchoolRun subscribers, are based on the old SATs format, but can still be used to give your child valuable exam practice.
This practice paper is aimed at the level of an above-average Year 2 child under the old National Curriculum (level 3). You can download a level 2 KS1 SATs paper for your child, read up about the new SATs grading system and get loads more advice to help with revision in our KS1 SATs area.
You can also follow our Y2 SATs revision plan, the KS1 SATs Learning Journey, to work through all the maths and English topics your child will be assessed on at the end of Year 2.
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