Key Stage 1 SATs English practice papers D
Since 2016, new SATs exams in English and maths have been administered to children in Year 2. These mock papers, available exclusively for TheSchoolRun subscribers, are based on the old SATs format, but can still be used to give your child valuable exam practice.
In these papers, your child will need to read an information text and a story text and answer questions about them, as well as completing a writing assignment and a spelling test, to work through this KS1 English SATs-style paper. Answers are provided so you can mark their work; you can also make suggestions to help improve their writing with our tips on how the KS1 writing task is assessed.
This is a Level 3 SATs paper (the former level for more able Year 2 children). Read up about SATs levels and what they meant, as well as the new primary grading system from 2016, and find more English practice papers on the site, both Level 3 and Level 2 (the old average for the typical seven-year-old; set A and set C).
For more information and advice about KS1 SATs head to our Year 2 SATs content area.
You can also follow a KS1 SATs Learning Journey, packed with worksheets and activities to help boost your child's confidence in the run-up to the Y2 maths and English assessments.
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