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Year 4 Investigative skills worksheets

Gases all around us spotting activity

Gases all around us

Gases are all around us, but they can be hard to spot! Help your child work through this investigation into the gases we can see and what they're used for.
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Repeating experiments: changing sounds

Repeating experiments: changing sounds

A practical investigation into pitch and how sounds change in different conditions.
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Researching invertebrates worksheet

Researching invertebrates

All of these animals are invertebrates (they have no backbone). Can you do some research on them to find out how their bodies are structured, what they eat and what habitat they live in?
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Why do we use grit investigation

Why do we use grit?

When the roads are slippery in winter we spread grit and then salt on them. But is salt the most effective solid we could use? Conduct this simple experiment to investigate!
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What is evaporation investigation

What is evaporation?

In this investigation you are going to see if water can move – or does it just change?
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Understanding evaporation investigation

Understanding evaporation

Evaporation is the process by which a liquid such as water turns into a gas. In this simple experiment you will investigate how this process takes place.
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Pollution investigation

Pollution investigation

Unfortunately human activities can have negative impacts on habitats and the animals that live in them. This investigation will help you to understand the impact of an oil spill on our ocean habitats.
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Observing electricity investigation

Observing electricity

Choose a selection of small electrical objects, preferably two-battery operated. Look closely at how the batteries are arranged. Open up a plug and look at the wires, all going in different directions. Can you work with your adult helper to put the plug back together? If you have an electricity meter clock, look at the dial turning and how much electricity you are using.
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How does sound resonate investigation

How does sound resonate?

Resonance is described as the intensification and prolongation of sound, especially of a musical tone, produced by sympathetic vibration. Now ask an adult if you can borrow some glasses to investigate how the amount of water in a glass can affect the resonance sound made.
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Electricity in our homes

Electricity in our homes

Choose a room in your house and find all the things that use electricity to make them work. Can you find and draw the electricity source (the plug, switch or battery)? Remember: things that run off batteries also use electricity! If you are drawing light switches, add lines to show the wires which must run up to the light to make it work (even if they are hidden)
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Condensation investigation worksheet

Condensation investigation

There is water in air! This simple experiment will help you to quickly see this.
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Experimenting with pitch activity

Experimenting with pitch

Suggestions for activities to try at home to help your child investigate factors that affect pitch.
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Make a bottle instrument activity

Make a bottle instrument

An activity to encourage children to think about how the amount of air in an instrument affects the pitch it makes.
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Predictions and conclusions: changing state worksheet

Predictions and conclusions: changing state

A worksheet describing a prediction regarding changing state with questions for children to think about, using their investigative skills.
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Make a telephone

Make a telephone

Have fun with your child whilst they learn more about sound and its properties.
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Understanding sound and hearing

Understand sound and hearing

Your child will have tons of fun doing this experiment whilst learning all about sound and hearing.
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Keeping warm investigation worksheet

Keeping warm investigation

This worksheet prompts your child to think about how they would plan an investigation into keeping warm.
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