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Year 5 Materials worksheets

Separating solids investigation

Separating solids investigation

Ask an adult to provide you with a bowl filled with rice, sand, metal paper clips (or pins) and pasta (ideally penne) all mixed together. How could separate these materials? Ask to use a sieve, some plastic bowls and a magnet. See if you can use this equipment to separate out these solids.
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Make your own parachute

Make your own parachute

Using what you have learned about air resistance, your challenge is to make the most effective parachute for a toy figure.
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Investigation: will it dissolve?

Investigation: will it dissolve?

When we add some solids to water (or other liquids), they dissolve. Try this simple experiment to see which household solids will dissolve and which won’t.
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Dissolving salt investigation

Dissolving salt investigation

In this experiment we will be investigating to see if the temperature of the water affects how quickly salt will dissolve in it.
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Dissolving experiment

Dissolving experiment

This is an experiment to help you learn about which materials will dissolve and which ones will not.
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Cleaning water experiment

Cleaning water experiment

In this activity you will learn how to clean some water!
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Make your own magnetic compass

Understanding magnets: Make your own magnetic compass

The Earth has a weak magnetic field caused by the movement of molten iron in its core. The Earth’s magnetic field acts on a magnetised needle, pulling one end towards the north and the other towards the south magnetic pole. Understand more about magnets by making your very own magnetic compass from a polystyrene pizza base, a needle, a pin and a strong magnet.

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