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Adding suffixes to words ending -fer

Adding suffixes to words ending -fer worksheet
A Year 6 English worksheet created by an experienced educator to teach your child about adding suffixes to words ending -fer.

When a verb ends in -fer, if you want to add the suffixes -ing or -ed to it, you need to add another r at the end. If the word is turned to a noun with the ending -ence, the r is not doubled. Now see if you know what all the words in the left-hand column mean. Can you write a sentence containing the red words?
Keystage:  KS2, Year 6, 11 Plus

How can you explain what a suffix is to a KS2 child?

A suffix is a little part that we add to the end of a word to change its meaning. You could explain to your child that it is like adding a special ending to a story that changes what the story is about. 

How do you spot a suffix in KS2?

  • Look at the end of a word.
  • See if there's a little part added on that changes what the word means or how it works in a sentence.
  • For example, in helpful, the suffix is -ful and it means 'full of help.'

What are 10 examples of a suffix in KS2 learning?

Here are 10 common examples of suffixes that children might encounter in KS2: 

-ed: refer becomes referred

-ing: run becomes running

-s: cat becomes cats

-er: teach becomes teacher

-est: tall becomes tallest

-ly: quick becomes quickly

-ful: joy becomes joyful

-less: hope becomes hopeless

-ness: kind becomes kindness

-ment: achieve becomes achievement 

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