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Leisure time articles

family having fun in car
Learning games to play on long car journeys
Going on a long car journey with the kids? Sick of hearing ‘are we nearly there yet?’ Banish boredom by trying some fun, educational games with your children.
Child on a farm
Learning English and maths outdoors
The great outdoors is a place where learning can take diverse shapes and forms. We take a look at how you can use it to strengthen your child’s literacy and numeracy skills.
Boy drawing plans on blackboard
DIY for children – what it teaches them
Have you ever considered keeping your kids busy round the house with a spot of DIY? Find out what it could teach your child, plus some handy activities to try.
Girl reading on the beach
6 reasons why summer learning is important
The school gates may have closed for the summer, but that’s no reason to allow your child’s mind to follow suit. We have six top tips for summer learning fun.
Mum reading with her sons
Why it’s important to make time for reading
Reading with your child is a valuable part of their learning, and your relationship, but how do you make the time in busy family life?
Father laughing with son
How to tell your child a story – without a book
Once upon a time, before the onslaught of video games, DVDs and the internet, telling stories was one of the only forms of entertainment. Jasmin Qureshi looks at how it can still be beneficial (and great fun!) today.
Girl laughing with violin
5 top tips for success learning an instrument
Increased self-confidence, better coordination skills, more focus and general well-being... just a few of the benefits of learning to play an instrument, parents say. Follow this advice to support your child in their musical education; it will take time (years!) and patience, but the rewards for the whole family are immense.
Boy having piano lesson
How to support your child in learning an instrument
Fewer children than ever are taking up a musical instrument. However, learning music is a fantastic skill. How do we get our children to take it up and which instrument should you pick? Emily Organ reports.
Little girl reading outside
10 steps to a book-filled summer
Want to make sure books feature strongly during your child’s summer break? TheSchoolRun suggests ways to help you make reading a pleasure.