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Year 3 Materials worksheets

What do we use plants for?

What do we use plants for?

Look at these different word cards. Can you sort them into types of plant and into functions? Now shuffle the cards and see if you can match the different plants with possible functions.
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Transparent and opaque investigation

Transparent and opaque

Can you remember what transparent means? What about opaque? Use a torch to investigate different materials you can find around your house. Which ones allow light to pass through them (transparent)? Which ones block light (opaque)?
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Rocks and soils matching pairs

Rocks and soils matching pairs

Look at these picture cards. Can you identify the different types of rocks? What might these different types of rocks be used for? Can you match the different types of rocks to the correct name cards? Now shuffle the cards and have a game of matching pairs with a friend or adult. The person with the most cards at the end of the game wins!
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Make your own sundial

Make your own sundial

A sundial tells the time by using the position of the sun. This is how it works: the sun casts a shadow onto a surface marked with lines indicating the hours of the day. As the sun moves across the sky
the shadow aligns with different hour-lines. Do you think you can make your own sundial?
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Make your own magnetic compass

Understanding magnets: Make your own magnetic compass

The Earth has a weak magnetic field caused by the movement of molten iron in its core. The Earth’s magnetic field acts on a magnetised needle, pulling one end towards the north and the other towards the south magnetic pole. Understand more about magnets by making your very own magnetic compass from a polystyrene pizza base, a needle, a pin and a strong magnet.

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Select material properties worksheet

Select material properties

A worksheet to help your child think about the properties of different materials, with prompt words at the bottom.
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