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Year 3 Physical processes worksheets

Build a metal detector and learn about magnetism

Build a metal detector and learn about magnetism

Extend your child's understanding of magnetism by helping them build a metal detector.
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All about rocks worksheet

All about rocks

A worksheet encouraging children to match types of rock (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic) with their descriptions.
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All about springs worksheet

All about springs

A worksheet listing several statements about springs which children have to sort into 'true' and 'false' boxes.
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How are magnets used worksheet

How are magnets used

A worksheet to encourage children to think about objects and whether they use magnets.
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Investigate rock properties worksheet

Investigate rock properties

Worksheet encouraging children to think about the properties of different rocks.
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Light and dark vocabulary worksheet

Light and dark vocabulary

On this worksheet, children need to match the words 'transparent', 'translucent', 'opaque' and 'shadow' with the correct definitions.
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