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Sharing method for division

Sharing method for division worksheet
A free division worksheet for Year 2 children, created by an experienced teacher. This fun and visual activity will help your child understand that division is about sharing into equal parts.
Keystage:  KS1, Year 2

How is division taught in Year 2?

In Year 2, children learn division through a variety of engaging and interactive methods:

Story Problems

Division is made meaningful through real-life story problems. For instance, if there are 20 apples and 5 baskets, children figure out how many apples go in each basket if shared equally. This helps them see the practical use of division.

Linking to Multiplication

Teachers show how division is the opposite of multiplication. If 5 × 2 = 10, then 10 ÷ 2 = 5 and 10 ÷ 5 = 2. Understanding this relationship reinforces both concepts.

Use of Number Lines

Number lines help children learn division through repeated subtraction. Starting at 12 and subtracting 3 repeatedly until reaching 0 shows how many times 3 fits into 12. This visual method makes the concept clear.

How will this Year 2 division worksheet help your child?

This teacher-created resource will provide your child with a fun activity that will reinforce what they're learning and build their confidence with division. This is a pictorial division exercise with a clear example of how to visualise a story problem and work out division questions. 

For more support with division, check out our hub page, or try a new challenge such as our Year 2 division word problems worksheet.