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Spot the missing numbers

Spot the missing numbers worksheet
This is a Reception maths worksheet on spotting the missing number, created by a primary school teacher to be used at home or in the classroom.

Can you spot the missing number on the hedgehog, the balloon, the beach ball and the car? What about on the star?
Keystage:  EYFS, Reception

How can children in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) learn numbers?

Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) can learn numbers through a variety of engaging and age-appropriate activities that align with the National Curriculum. 

Here are some methods commonly used in primary schools:

Play-based learning

Play is a fundamental part of the EYFS curriculum. Children can learn numbers through games and activities that naturally incorporate counting and number recognition.

Practical activities

Incorporating numbers into everyday activities helps children see their practical use:

  • Cooking and baking
  • Shopping role-play

Outdoor learning

Outdoor activities provide opportunities for counting and recognizing numbers in a natural setting:

  • Nature walks: Collecting and counting leaves, stones, or sticks.
  • Playground games: Counting steps while playing hopscotch or other games.

Storybooks and number books

Using books that focus on numbers and counting can make learning enjoyable:

  • Number stories
  • Counting books

How will this numbers worksheet help your EYFS child?

This Reception level maths worksheet was created by a primary school teacher with the aim of encouraging your child to practise their numbers knowledge by spotting the missing numbers. This is a visual activity with simple instructions that your child will grasp and enjoy. 

For more help with Reception maths, check out our homepage, or try a new challenge such as our Ordinal numbers race

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